19. The Leader's Love

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"I told you, it was not the right decision, Minho!"

"It was the only right decision, dad!"

The room was a little heated up as Mr. Lee was still not supporting the decision Minho had made that night.

"It was an impulsive decision, Minh-"

"IT WAS NOT A FUCKING IMPULSIVE DECISION!" Minho shouted slamming his hand on his dad's study table. "I PLANNED EVERYTHING BEFORE HAND AND YOU KNOW IT DAD!"


"FUCK YOUR ETHICS! THAT'S SHOULD'VE BEEN YOU, DAD!" He shouted, looking at his dad with furious eyes "That's should've been you to kill Louis. Not me! You should have done it years ago, dad" his voice turning small and disappointing.

"Minho, that's not how-"

"No dad. That's exactly how it works. They fucked with us first, and you think I will sit here and let him laugh at what he did to this gang, this family! At what scars he gave to you! AT WHAT NIGHTMARES HE GAVE TO ME!"

His dad sighed in defeat. He knew Minho will never get over what he went through, and it was fair. That was not something anyone can get through, let alone easily.

"Minho, I understand your mind, but try to understand, you can't kill a gang's leader directly at a meeting, that too when it's your first meeting as leader"

"I understand your mind too dad, but I was waiting for years for a meeting with Louis without you, so I could kill him and I did. I never did and will never understand how you used to sit and talk with him after what he did. How you were able to bare a smile on his filthy face, dad?" Minho asked, disappointment laced on his tongue.

Mr. Lee just sighed and looked down at the beautiful platinum ring on his hand "Maybe I got scared after that..." he mumbled under his breath and looked back up again "...for you three" he said referring to Minho, Chan and Jeongin.

"But I'm not" Minho replied with no emotions but anger and the strong desire for revenge in his voice "I'm not scared"

He stood up, maintaining a piercing eye contact with his dad "I killed Louis and I will kill whoever this new leader, his brother, is. And I will kill him the same way. No warning, no talking" he paused and leaned forward, placing both his hands on the table. "I will shoot him in his head. I will not sit there and deliver him sassy dialogues and then fight like a stupid motherfucker"

He leaned back up and straighted his posture, shoving his hands in his coat's pockets "We are Crystal. We don't do that, dad. Not anymore"

It was ok for Jisung to wake up in an empty bed by now. He knew Minho was a busy man, and when he knew Minho will shower him with all the affection the moment he will see him, he doesn't feel bad or lonely at all, instead, he felt embarrassed and shy, thinking that Minho sees him sleeping. What if he looks ugly while sleeping? What if he snores loudly? What if he says weird things in his sleep?

But there was this one particular thing he was really really shy about...

Who knows how many forehead kisses he gets before Minho leaves the room?

But this morning, he sat on the bed, burring his face into his hands as his face and ears burned red with blush.

This was not what he was wearing when he remembers he dozed off last night while crying.

He was definitely not wearing a light green t-shirt, twice his size.... And nothing under... other than his boxers, of course.

Minho changed his clothes and decided that a t-shirt was enough. Well it was comfortable, but still.

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