55. I Love Love You

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[3 year later...]

"Fucking finally, this shit is over!" the boy groaned, removing his cap.

The other boy chuckled "You barely studied for 2 days Felix, acting like you topped or something" he commented laughing lightly.

"Yeah so? I was busy killing people with my wonderful fighting" he said flickering his hair "I didn't had the time to study the stupid laws and shit" he said and stretched his hands, yawning in between "First Minho hyung forced me to go to college and then you forced me to join a fucking Law University with you cuz you didn't wanted to be alone in this shit hole! Like bro, let me live?" he rolled his eyes "Also, I passed anyways, so I win in life" he laughed.

"You passed!? Bro, Jeongin hyung literally gave stakes to the trustees to get you through all the three years without any assignments submission, almost nonexistent attendance and beating the shit out of students in the very first year!?" Jisung said rolling his eyes.

"Yup. That's my man!"

It's funny how fast the time passes.

It has already been six years.

Six years since Jisung walked into that abandoned building. Six years since he met a scary man, whom he never got scared of. Six years since he made his first friend. Six years since he found a family.

Six years since he fell in love for the first time.

And since then, he has been falling everyday for the same man. His man.

"Is hyung not gonna come?" Jisung asked the other, pouting and looking around, taking is Graduation cap off of his head.

Felix took his phone out, reading through messages "Obviously" he said simply "You really thought those busy asses will be coming on our graduatio-?"

Felix's little grumbling was cut off when he felt someone pinch and pull on his ear "Ow ow ow-!" he whined, turning around.

"Oh? Is that how you talk about your elders?" Jeongin scolded the younger, narrowing his eyes at him playfully, pulling on his ear more.

The moment Jisung saw Jeongin, his face lit up immediately. If Jeongin was here, Minho would definitely be here too. He smiled as his eyes shined, but the moment he was about to look around...

He felt a hand coming from behind of his shoulder, grabbing his jaw, and before he could respond, the hand immediately turned his face around and within the next breath, his lips were attached to another pair of soft warm lips.

His favorite lips.

His eyes winded from the sudden action for a second before he smiled in the kiss when he saw the man kissing him, and closed his eyes, kissing the man back.

Minho smiled in the kiss, eyes closed, cheeks pink, still grabbing the younger's jaw.

After some seconds he pulled away and pecked at the younger's lips making him smile.

Oh this smile never fails to melt Minho's heart.

Minho kept holding the boy's jaw by his hand, making him look up at him, face inches away "Say you love me" Minho asked in a sweet voice, and nudged their noses together, making the other giggle cutely.

"I love you!" Jisung mumbled with a cute smiley pout, as he stayed still in Minho's hold, hanging there like a small kitten, looking at Minho with big eyes.

Minho smiled "Me too" he mumbled, nudging their noses again.

"I love love you!" Jisung mumbled again, smiling brightly.

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