15. Miss Him

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It has been two weeks. Two weeks since Jisung shifted to his new house, two weeks of him eating healthy and sleeping peacefully. He has started looking healthy, even his injuries were almost healed except for some deeper wounds and cuts like on his arm or the bullet wound on his thigh, but he can skip and jump now, so he do.

He opened his closet and giggled for the nth time since he shifted here.

' "You like it?"

"This is my new house? It's so big and.... Beautiful"

"It's all yours, kiddo" '

A house with beautiful light blue and white interiors, sweet grey curtains with a matching big fluffy couch, having a living room with huge flat screen television and video games, a kitchen, a study room with a large desk, study lamp and all the stationary, a separate bedroom with a double bed having soft mattresses, a beautiful shower with glass walls having both hot and cold water with just one switch. It was like a dream. A dream that Minho fulfilled for him.

The two of Jisung's most favorite things of this house were, his closet, which was the first thing he touched in his bedroom. It was of big wooden doors having a full length mirror on his left face and like 20 pair of fresh clothes inside and 12 pair of shoes in it's down drawer, but that was not the best part, the best part was the sticky note which was stuck on the outside of the cupboard.

// I chose all of these myself //

That was his favorite part.

And the second most favorite thing was, the blanket on his bed. It was the same blanket in which he slept with Minho. It was Minho's blanket laid on his bed, folded neatly.

He has been sleeping in this blanket and wearing the clothes Minho himself chose for him for past two week, of course he was beaming from inside out.

Finally choosing a soft green hoodie and off white loose fit pants, he smiled for the last time before changing.

He skipped on his way to go to that house and play video games or cards with Felix or anyone who was at home.

Finally reaching, he ringed the bell and crossed his finger, but to his disappointment, Chan opened the door and smiled at him.

Chan chuckled when Jisung pouted, like he has been doing for past two weeks.

"He is still out?" the younger pouted even more. It has been two long weeks, he misses Minho.

"Yes" Chan chuckled as Jisung stepped in stomping his foots a little "He is still out"

"But it has been two weeks!" he whined and fell on the couch dramatically.

Minho was in Paris. He has left the same day he showed Jisung his new house. Seungmin, Hyunjin and Jeongin has aslo gone with him, leaving Changbin, Felix and Chan behind.

Minho said it will take a week to settle things there and come back, but it has already been two and Jisung was getting frustrated and sad.

"When will he come back then?" he whined rolling on the big couch.

The younger has gotten really comfortable with all of them. Chan was very sweet, Felix was his age so they bonded pretty quick and Changbin was very considered and caring, he even learned the herbs soup from Jeongin before he left so he can make it for him.

Jisung was feeling like he had people in his life. People he can call his. His people. His friends. His family.

The doors to this house were freely open to him, he spends most of his time here with anyone who is at home and not at Lee mansion. If they are busy, he would quietly sit down on the couch and do his pending assignments or take a nap in Minho's room and then eat together. It was like his other home.

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