16. Like A Date?

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The boy sniffled as he walked out of his college's gate, holding his cheek and wiping his tears.

"Hey, Jisung"

The boy turned around and sniffled when he heard someone call his name. There was a boy from his class.

"Yes?" Jisung asked in a small voice, wiping away his tears.

The boy giggled before speaking "I got a call for you" and he giggled more.

Jisung frowned and titled is head in confusion "A call for me?"

"Yeah" the boy laughed a little before continuing "Your mom called" and the boy laughed out loud.

Jisung's expressions saddened immediately as he looked down, eyes glossing up again.

The boy laughed more and continued "She said-"


The boy was interrupted by a strict and a little deeper voice which came from behind of the silently sobbing boy.

Jisung eyes immediately winded upon hearing the voice. He turned around and looked at the taller man and sobbed out a little "H-Hyung!"

Minho ignored Jisung for the time being, stepped forward and came face to face with the other boy "What did she say?" he asked the boy again in a sarcastic tone.

"Uh, excuse me, do I know you?" the boy replied with an attitude.

"Oh you don't have to know me for me to grab your balls and rip them off from your body" Minho said with a smile as the boy's expressions died.

Jisung gulped upon hearing that but kept quite. Minho seemed too scary for anyone to interrupt him right now.

The boy stepped back a little in fear when Minho leaned a little closer. He was short and tiny in front of Minho's large and intimidating frame and the fact that Minho sounds like someone who would really do what he just said, it scared him even more.

"What happened darling, cat got your tongue?" Minho asked with a fake innocent tone, tilting his head and raising an eyebrow at the terrified boy.


"His boyfriend" Minho whispered so Jisung couldn't hear him. "I'm his boyfriend"

"H-His bo-"

"Shh!" Minho shushed the boy, raising his finger and pressing it on his own lips, tilting his head sweetly "Don't say it out loud. He is shy about it"

The boy gulped. Minho looked like someone who's sick in his head, so he back away a little and turned around, running off immediately.

Minho straighted up with a sigh, expressions going to his neutral ones. "Bitch" he mumbled under his breath before finally turning around.

Oh how quick his expression, his eyes, his heart softened when he saw those beautiful big eyes looking up at him. How his heart raced when he saw those dried tears stains on those cute puffy cheeks. How his mind got filled with anger when he saw a fresh cut on those adorable lips.

Without any words, he stepped closer to the boy and lifted his hand, placing it on the boy's cheek, keeping his eyes on his lips.

Jisung kept staring up at him, relaxing in his hold "You said, one week" he complained quietly as Minho creased his cheek lovingly.

"I'm sorry. There was a lot of work" Minho said absent minded, hating the cut on the corner of his lower lip. Wish he could kiss it.

It was crazy to think how close they were getting without having any talks about their feelings.

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