25. A Sweetheart

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He pouted in disappointed as he walked by the house. His favorite house.

It has already been 2 weeks and they still haven't returned. Minho said 2 weeks and today is the 15th day.

Jisung lower his head, getting a little sad and walking past the house, as he's been doing for last 15 days.

Jisung has been alone for past 7 years. He has been living alone, eating alone, sleeping alone, no one was there to talk to, to laugh to, to cry to, he has always been alone, but when he felt that affection, that care, that warm feeling of having someone in your life, of someone making you laugh, of someone eating with you while sharing useless talks, now he feels lonely.

His heart feels empty. He misses everyone. He misses Jeongin's food, Hyunjin's jokes, Chan's comfort, Seungmin's salty comments, Changbin's care. He wanted to play games with Felix, he misses Felix at college too.

Oh about his college? Everything was fine. Still no one talks to him, but in a good way now. They stay away from him. Totally. They don't bother him now. Felix really have scared people to death there.

He was scared to go to college without Felix the first day, but when he saw students shifting away and literally making way for him when he walked into the class. He giggled. He didn't knew why, but he enjoyed when he saw the fear on the face of those students. Maybe because he always wanted to get back at them for doing whatever they did to him, but he just never had that power or guts in him.

He continued walking towards his own house, clutching the strap of his bag, looking down with sad expressions. "2 weeks..." he mumbled to himself in a disappointed tone. He wanted to scold Minho. He wanted to stand in front of him, crossing his arms and tapping his feet while Minho would sit on the couch, looking down and saying sorry to him.

Oh he have this sweet little dream world of his, where Minho was his. His baby.

He will be one day. For sure.

He was about to enter his house when he saw a man sitting on the bench of the park across the road. One of those 5 men he's been seeing since 15 days.

He sighed and locked his door back, proceeding to walk towards the park.

He sat down on the same bench where that man was sitting.

"Hey" he said swinging his legs lightly.

"Yes?" the man replied in a questioning voice.

Jisung put his hand into his bag and pulled out his lunch box "You want to eat something?" he asked casually, proceeding to open the box.

"Excuse me?" the man asked, confused.

"You all are on my watch, right?" he asked, more like he was telling the man that he knows.

"Watch? Excuse yo-"

"Oh come on!" he suddenly whined like a child "I just want to eat with someone! I know Minho hyung set you all up on my watch, I'm seeing all 5 of you since day one" he said with a pout "Just have lunch with me and then you can continue with your duty? Ok?"

The man's eyes winded in shock. How the fuck Jisung knew? They have been doing this work for past 12 years and were never suspected even once, so how? He even knew that they were 5 different people watching over him. How observant is he? Minho is going to kill them if he got to know this.

"S-Sir, we are n-not allowed to-" the man stuttered standing up from the bench.

Jisung sighed "What's your name?" he asked in a serious tone.

"H-Harry, sir" the man said as he stood straight.

"Don't call me sir, you are my father's age" Jisung said and pouted again.

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