34. Boss

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To say Jeongin was nervous, well, of course was an understatement. Man was scared.

He sat on the edge of his bed, face hanging low, buried in his hands. He groaned in frustration. He was so scared of disappointing Minho.

He doesn't give a fuck about what the whole of the gang will say about him if Minho degraded his position in the gang. All he cares about, was Minho. He doesn't wanted to disappoint his hyung. He has been living with a purpose of making Minho look at him with proud eyes, but everything seems to be going into trash.

What if Minho thinks that he misused any of his powers or what if Minho thinks he tried to boss around when he was not there. No no. Minho can't think that.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. He lifted his face from his hands and looked at the door.

It was Felix. Standing at the door with concern in his eyes. "Hyung?" he called the older softly, waiting for any sign for him to walk in.

Jeongin stared at the boy for some seconds and sighed deeply, burring his face back into his hands "Go away, Felix" he mumbled into his hands.

Jeongin never realised how with time, he slowly developed one more fear. Fear of disappointing Felix.

Felix quietly walked in, making his way towards the man. Felix knew Jeongin's every nerve. When he really wants him to leave and when he needs him close but won't say it. So he went to the man and sat besides him.

"I fucked up, Felix" he said in a small voice, removing his hands from his face, resting them on his lap, staring at the floor.

Felix kept quiet, he knew there were no words that can comfort Jeongin right now. So he sat there quietly, just being by his side.

Felix extended his arm, reaching for the older's hand, crossing their fingers together.

It was 5:30 in the evening. Minho walked towards his room to inform Jisung about the meeting. Of course Jisung will have to attend the meeting, he is the part of this family, this gang. Actually, one the most important person in here right now.

Minho quietly opened the door and saw the younger sitting, back facing him, over his work desk. A laptop placed on his desk, and a controller being attached to the laptop as he was playing some game. Minho smiled and approached the boy.

"What are you doing, sweetheart?" he asked with a smile.

Jisung turned around for a split second before turning back immediately "Oh, Felix gave me his spare laptop cuz I was bored and wanted to play some games" he said, fully focused on his game.

Minho smiled, a little evilly, before slowly leaning down, and placing his chin on the boy's shoulder, looking into the screen.

Jisung's breath hitched and eyes winded as his body stiffened at the older's action, soft blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Oh no, you are loosing your match" Minho said in a fake amused tone, turning his head towards the younger's face "You are gonna loose this battle, baby" he whispered into his neck.

Oh he has already lost.

A shaky sigh left the boy's lips when he felt Minho's warm breath under his ear, face burning red.

"You want me to help you play?" Minho whispered and turned towards the screen again before snaking his hand over the boy's other shoulder to his hand which was grabbing the controller. He held the smaller's hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

Jisung swore he was about to get a nose bleed.

The boy tried to control his uneven breaths as Minho's warmth around him became unbearably hot.

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