26. Will Hold You

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The boy sighed sadly, walking out of his college gate and started to walk to the house.

It was the 48th day of him walking by the same house and continuing being disappointed.

Minho said 2 weeks and it has almost been 50 days. Jisung has started to feel that maybe, maybe Minho has left him.

He knew who Minho was so he understand how his work must be and that there can never be a perfect time period in which you think the work will be done. Minho has a dangerous life, Jisung knows this, and it scares him too. It scares him for Minho. He didn't knew if he could afford it if anything happened to Minho.

So yes, he was worried for Minho and everybody else too, but the thought that they might have left him alone, still tops all the worries. He had a trauma, a fear, obviously it won't go in a snap of fingers, it will take time, and events like this are not helping at all.

He kicked a little rock as he passes through the house yet again. He's been doing this over and over again from past 47 days. Sometimes 3 or 4 times a day.

He looked at the house with sad eyes and then back down at the road. He was about to walk past when it hit him. He snapped his head towards the house again, the curtain to the front window was open. They are back. And Jisung ran. Oh he was so happy.

He ran to the front door and ringed the bell rapidly. He was so happy, so excited. Minho was finally back.

After some seconds, the door opened.

"I hate you all so much! 47 days!? 47!?" he complained even before the door was fully opened. He thought it might be Hyunjin like always, but to his surprise, it was Minho who has opened the door.

"Hyung!" Jisung almost jumped in excitement and happiness before he noticed the look on Minho's face.

He was sad. Yes. That's the word.

The expressions Jisung has not seen on Minho till now.

Minho was very restrictive to himself. It doesn't matter what emotion he was feeling, he always carries this neutral face with a small smile. He can be in so much tention or any kind of physical pain but he will never let it show on his face. And to see Minho cry? Now that hasn't happened in years. The last time Chan saw Minho cry, was when he was 11.

"Hyung?" he asked as Minho was kept looking at him with sad eyes and dead face.

And then he noticed it.

Minho had a bruise on his cheekbone, a cut under his ear to his jawline and a deep blood clot peeking through the neck of his hoodie.

He looked up at Minho with wide eyes but didn't say anything as he was still outside of the house, so he quietly stepped in when Minho made way for him. Jisung turned back around to face Minho after closing the door.

"Hyung? What happened?" Jisung asked in a soft voice and proceed to grab his arm in the process.

The moment he placed his hand on Minho's arm, the older hissed in pain. Jisung frowned and without any words he carefully rolled up the sleeve of Minho's hoodie just to gasp at what he saw.

An open cut wound. It was a very deep cut. He wonders why it hasn't treated yet? It definitely needs stitched.

And then the silence hit him. Why was everything so silent?

He looked up at Minho with worry in his eyes "Hyung? Everyone's ok, right?" he asked, because the silence was scarring him and sending the thoughts in his mind that he doesn't want.

One of them dead? No way.

"Everyone's fine. They are in their rooms. Changbin got a bullet in his leg but he will be fine" Minho informed quietly, eyes never leaving the younger's.

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