9. Not Fair

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"For fuck's sake, I'm not gonna join you ever again"

"You've said this like, I don't know, A thousand times? But you still come with me. Cuz you love it, bitch"

"Yeah, I love when you torture them or I get to beat them, but YOU ARE GROSS, HYUNG!" Felix shouted in pure disgust.

Hyunjin laughed even more wiping the blood off of his eyelid. "That's not gross, that's called ART!"

"Art~" Felix repeated mockingly as Hyunjin continued to laugh.

"Now why the fuck you two are fighting again?"

The voice of their leader interrupted their bricking as they immediately straightened up.

"Good evening boss" they both said in sync.

"Hm. Now, why were you fighting?" Minho mumbled in a sleepy voice as he sat down on the beautiful royal designed couch in the middle of the big hall and started analysing the new order of guns placed on the huge beautiful glass table, they need to export tomorrow.

"Boss, he is just so extra and gross"

"I'm not?"

"You are. He literally do the most unnecessary shits with the captives"

"Is this about that Louis's man?" Minho guessed seeing both of them covered in blood, not paying much attention to any of them, closely analysing the guns. "Hyunjin, I need this person dead within 2 hours whoever made this shit ass gun" he mumbled quietly, placing the said gun on one side of the table.

"Done Boss"

"Hm. Continue" he said, picking up another gun.

"Yeah, so..." Felix continued with the same disgust "...We were getting the information out of this dude and we got all of it in like 40 minute of beating and torturing-"

"All the information?"

"Yes Boss. All of it"

"Ok. Continue"

"Yes, so, we got all the information out, so I was like 'Let's kill him then?' and Hyunjin hyung went 'No, I wanna play more', and he always does this so I was like 'Ok?' and I thought he's gonna do that, cutting his dick off or something, like he always does. But, BOSSS!" he whined like a child and stomped his feet a little.

Minho chuckled quietly, still focused on his guns "What?"

Don't get confused. Minho is still their 'strict and cruel' Boss and they still are scared of him. But, they were into Lee Mansion right now. They all grew up here. Together. They have ran around these halls and rooms, screaming and shouting with toys in their hands, have watched horror movies hiding under one big blanket, have beaten each other up playing wrestling. It was their home.

It's just that simple. When you are home, you feel warm and happy. So they do.

"He... Ugh!" Felix rolled his head in frustration.

Minho chuckled again, but this time turned his attention to the two men standing in front of him "What?"

"Boss, he snatched off his nails-"

"That's the most normal thing Hyunjin can do, Felix" Minho said calmly, waiting to know what his little demon did this time.

"Yes. I thought that too. Although he took his nails off pretty slowly, my ears still hurts. It's just nails, why that bitch had to scream so loud" Felix said rolling his eyes, but then continued immediately after.

"Anyways, this man-" he said pointing towards Hyunjin, who just rolled his eyes with a smirk. "-He did the most unnecessary shit ever. He shoved all 20 nails of this man deep in his ass, one by one. THAT'S SO GROSS! And it wouldn't even hurt that much. They are just nails for god's sake" he said making a disgusted face.

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