10. The Leader's Order

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"Hey kid"

Jisung never thought he would feel so disappointed upon not hearing Hyunjin's voice as the first thing after being kidnapped.

"Welcome" the voice repeated. But Jisung couldn't see anything, thanks to the blind fold.

"I'm s-sorry. I-Is there some misunderstanding?" that's the most reasonable thing came to his mind to ask, and so he did, not expecting that harsh punch on his face at all.

He whined in pain that hit his cheekbone and panted lightly. He tried to move but.... Oh, he's tied too? Great.

"Well. We don't believe in misunderstandings, sweetie. It's just a matter of time that you are here. Hm"

Jisung went silent for the moment, not wanting to say anything stupid which can go against him in this situation. But oh how his eyes winded at the man's next words.

"So, you know Crystal? Yeah? We don't like them that much"

Was he kidnapped by Crystal's rivals? What the fuck?

"We got the information that they are in touch with some random college kid. So? Wanna spill the tea for us or...?"

"Listen, t-there is definitely a m-misunderstanding. I-I'm not that kid. I p-promise" he tried, but it was of no use when there was another punch.


"Yes. I-I don't know anything a-about Crystal. Only things I know are, what they show in the n-news and what p-people talk about. I d-don't know them" he cried out, wetting the cloth on his eyes, getting a little frustrated by the fact that this was not Minho after all.

"You don't know them?"


There were 3 things Jisung have understood by now.

One, Minho was hell hot.

Two, Hyunjin had somewhat a higher status among the others.

And Three, Crystal's hide their identities.

The moment Hyunjin opened the door for pizza, of that, so middle class looking house, Jisung understood that they hide and stay as normal people. It was so obvious to understand.

"Then you are of no use to us?"

Jisung shook in fear. But there was no way he's gonna utter anything to these piece of shits.

He finally sighed when he heard a click of a gun. So he hung his head low and waited for the hit. He silently wished they would just shoot him in the head. He want to die without any pain, it's already too much.

"You ready? Last chance to utter out the information"

"I don't know them" he mumbled, totally defeated. He was done with this life. He was done fighting and crying everyday.

'I miss you so much Hyung'

Was the last thing he thought before he heard a loud bang and screamed when the bullet hit his body, but immediately passed out when something sharp digged in his neck.


A week later...

"My informer said that Louis's gang is not dissolved. Apparently, he had a brother whom he kept hidden by everyone and right now, he is getting the gang back together" Changbin informed as Minho went through the file.

"And what about this new guy? His brother? Name? Characteristics? Anything?" the older asked in a firm tone.

"We don't know his name or face yet but my man described him as a man who is not loyal to his words, not very loyal to anything or any of his own people, impulsive and kind of a mess at the moment. And yes, very angry with Crystal, for killing his brother" he finished closing his own file.

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