42. Love Him

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"And then... You do this! Look! You saw that!?"

The younger beamed the biggest proud smile when he killed the final boss.

He laid their on his stomach, on the bed, playing game in his tablet, as Minho sat in front of him, smiling, but not paying much attention to the younger or anything he was saying. His mind was wandering to so many past incidents, just to look for any suspicious acts or reactions from the younger that he might have missed.

And if he was being honest, he actually could find a handful. And the more he noticed things, the more his heart sunk. The more he felt his throat getting tighter.

The last time he remembered seeing Jisung sacred, was when he was in their basement, all bruised up and crying, and saw Hyunjin coming in behind Minho. That was the last time.

Jisung, despite of knowing what Minho was capable of, never got scared of him. Even when he shouted.

'It's ok if you are a criminal' That is not something a regular person would say.

Minho pointed a gun at his head and he didn't even flinched. It was not something a normal life person experience daily.

Jisung never got uncomfortable around guns and weapons. Jisung saw blood on Minho's cloths and it never even made him nervous for a split of a second.

Jisung saw Minho murdering someone in front of his eyes. He saw a person coughing out blood. He saw that person's throat slit in half. He saw that person's body shaking and dying a slow death and his eyes never even twitched.

He never even looked away from any of these horrible sights.

Minho could only come up with three things...

One, either it was only because of his blood. Because he was Louis's son. Only because he have this in his blood.

Or, Jisung is like Hyunjin. A little sick in his head.

Or, he is a trained spy.

And Minho didn't wanted to believe the last point. The more baseless the first thing sounded, Minho wanted that to be the truth.

How can...? No. That can't be. How can everything that happened was just an act... How?

Minho told him about his mother. Minho cried in his arms. He comforted him, held him the whole night. How can all that be a lie?

The tight little fist on Minho's cloths. The hugs he asked for. The smiles he gave him. The way he curls up in him every night. The kisses he give him. All of this can't be a lie. Can't be an act.

"You saw that right!?" The younger suddenly shouted when he saw Minho getting lost in his thoughts.

Minho blinked rapidly, getting out of his thoughts "Y-Yeah..." he mumbled.

The smaller pouted looking up "You were not looking" he complained.

All this can't be lie. He looks so innocent and harmless. This can't be.

Minho smiled and before the younger could whine more, he suddenly snatched his tables from his hand, tossing it on the pillow.

"Hey!" Jisung yelled as he immediately sat up, but before he could reach for his tablet again, Minho reached his hands for his waist, grabbing him and pulling him on his lap, placing both of his legs on one side, making him sit sideways on his thighs.

Jisung yelp at the sudden action and grabbed the older's shoulders for support. He slowly adjusted in his lap and looked up with pink cheeks "Hyung..." he whispered, as if he was scolding the older.

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