50. Han Jisung

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[2 years later...]


"W-Wait! What are you-" the boy panicked when he felt two people holding him, trying to drag him somewhere.

"WHO ARE YOU! LEAVE ME!" he cried, trying to break free from their holds.


The boy took deep, heavy breaths, trying to stop crying.

"P-Please.." he cried "I'm n-not with them anymore..." and cried more.

What you expect him to do other than beg for his life when he was living on streets for months now, and one night, suddenly was picked up in a van while he was sleeping near his every day spot, outside a small restaurant.

"T-They left me!" he shouted with a cry and dropped his head immediately after, letting out pathetic cries.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!" one of the two men in the room shouted.

The boy just stayed there, trembling. He stopped fighting the ropes around his ankles and wrists a long while ago. So now, he just stayed there and cried at how his hands were numb and hurting from being tied behind his back.

"T-They all l-left me to d-die..." he mumbled to himself, hanging his head low, sobbing quietly.

And when he thought he was going to die tied up like this...

"Oh look, who we have here~"

A familiar voice grabbed everyone's attention. A very familiar voice.

"Hi Sung baby" the man greeted with a smug look on his face as he entered the small, old room.


There he was. The same man. Han SeungSoo.

He smirked looking at the boy and his condition.

Jisung was wearing, or say, was just wrapped in some old and dirty, used torn up cloths. A dirty big hoodie with holes in it and a baggy dirty lower. Wearing two different old slippers in each foot. He looked like a beggar.


He was one.

He was living on the streets of Spain. He was eating what people would throw at him. He was living a miserable life. Way miserable than it was, some years ago, back in Korea.... Before he even met Minho.

"Look at you!" the man laughed, standing in front of the boy, crossing his arms at his chest "You look so yucky. Ew" he laughed even more, making a disgusting face.

Jisung just looked up as more tears rolled down his cheeks "S-Seung..." he sobbed.

The man just rolled his eyes "Cut the crap and the crying and shit. Just give me the information. Where is Lee Jeongin? What's there new location? And what are you doing in Spain?" he asked with a bored expressions "Come on come on. I don't have the whole day to waste on you"

Jisung cried and shook his head "I-I don't know!" he cried "T-The all left me! They b-blamed me for M-Minho hyung's death and t-threw me out!" he tried to kick his feet in anger, crying violently.

Seung raised his eyebrows in surprise "Really? Damn! They all are emotionless afterall" he laughed "They literally used to call you 'babie~' and 'oh sungie~' and 'sir~' he mocked and laughed again.

Jisung just hung his head low, allowing more tears to fall down.

"Oh! And what happend to your 'Bestfriend'? That Felix?" he asked in a taunting tone "He left you too?" he laughed asking the question.

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