29. Fear

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The man sobbed and sobbed uncontrollably.

"No p-please..."

Body cover in sweat and hot tears running down his cheeks.

"Leave him! P-Please! H-He did n-nothing wrong! D-Dont..."

He breathed heavily as his heart thumped in his chest.


Tears falling and kept falling like they are never going to stop.

"N-no.... No.... JISUNG!"


The man jolted as his eyes shot open. Breath still coming out heavy, heart still racing, chest and throat paining.

He looked around with panic eyes, still laying down in the same position, unable to move even a single muscle.

His body jerked when he suddenly felt a little pressure on his chest. He slowly looked down and saw the boy nuzzling his head into his chest and mumbling quietly in sleep.

The nightmares were getting worst.

They were getting more clear, more scary. Almost like, it was happening in real.... again.

"Hyung..." he looked down again when he heard the boy mumbled something.

It has been 4 months and everything was ok. Nothing out of the line happened.

Minho have the face of the new leader of Snakes, 'Teddy'. The Russian deal was still on hold. Jisung was healthy and fine. Everything was ok. Everything expect these nightmares.

He thought the nightmares where gone 2 years back, he thought it was all done, he thought he's going to forget all that happened, soon, only for them to suddenly continue one night and not stop after that.

He quietly wiped the tears off his face and sniffled quietly. He looked down at the peacefully sleeping boy with worried eyes.

Jisung has been staying in this house more often now. As now him and Felix have a project to complete together, he bought his books and cloths to this house so he can stay here whenever he want without any troubles.

At some nights he would cuddle and sleep with Minho. The other nights when he and Felix would work on their assignment till late, he would either sleep in Felix's room or would quietly go and cuddle up to a sleeping Minho. And the other nights when Minho would come late at night, he would find a cute tiny Jisung, rolled up on his bed, hugging his blankets, sleeping peacefully.

Everything and everyone was ok. Except Minho.

Minho released a heavy shaky breath as new tears formed in his eyes.

"Maybe if I will start maintaining a distance from you, slowly everything will be fine after a while?" he mumbled to himself, trying to think of somthing so Jisung will go away from his life "Maybe you will forget me slowly?" he mumbled and sniffled again at the thought of Jisung disappearing from his life, forgetting him "M-Maybe you haven't f-fell for me that m-much and will fall for s-someone new, someone g-good, someone s-safe for you?" he tried to convince himself and wiped away his tears.

Jisung nuzzled his face into his chest and "Hyung..." he mumbled again.

New tears filled Minho's eyes when he saw a tiny smile on the sleeping boy's face. He didn't want Jisung to go. He can't bare that. His heart will not beat the same after that, he know it.

"I know y-you haven't fallen t-too much, right?"

"Hyung..." the boy mumbled again as his smile got a little bigger.

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