22. My Love

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Jisung rolled on his bed, strangled in his favorite blanket, giggling and blushing like crazy. He bit down on the blanket and screeched, squeezing his eyes tightly and kicking his legs violently.

He was beyond happy. No. Happy was a very little word. If he was being honest, he didn't had any word for what he was feeling right now.

"He kissed me!" he screeched again and banged his head into the pillow and giggled "He bit my cheek!" he shouted into the pillow and kicked his legs again.

Suddenly, he got up and sat straight on the bed loosely crossing his legs, hair completely ruined, face still bright red. He looked down at the blanked and stared at it blankly with serious expressions for a moment, before a drunk looking smile was pasted on his face and he dramatical fell forward, face first into the pillow and rolled on the bed again.

Oh he was just so so happy.

And then suddenly, his eyes shot up when he remembered what happened in the morning today.

That kiss. Minho held him close and kissed on his neck.

'I can burn this whole world if you ask, Jisung'

Jisung buried his bright red face into the pillow as a shaky sigh left his lips when he remembered how Minho's warm breath brushed over his skin.

He slowly left the blanket and lowered his hands, softly creasing them over his tummy, where Minho held him. He slowly snaked his arms over his own waist, hugging himself exactly from where Minho did.

'You are mine. And I will protect you till my last breath'

Another heavy shaky breath left his lips as he remembered the feeling of those soft lips on his neck.

He curled up into himself, still hugging his tummy tightly. If he was blushing before this, then he was burning right now.

"You are mine..." he repeated Minho's words, like he was trying to assure his heart what Minho said. Minho actully said that. Minho called him his.

"Y-You are mine too..." he mumbled under his breath, very under-confident of his own words. But he wanted them to be true. He wanted to call Minho his.

"Hey, where's Jeongin hyung?" Felix asked a random guard, walking into the mansion.

"In the practice room, sir" the guard responded.

Felix thanked him and made his way to the practice room.

Felix knew Jeongin was affected by the 'Girls were flirting with Felix' thing Jisung said. He knew Jeongin was a protective and a little possessive kind, and he loved it. He wanted Jeongin to get worked up with that fact and just kiss him already, it's been so long.

So his sweet little evil mind was prepared to trigger the older even more today.

Felix quietly opened the door to the practice room and he swore he could just die happily with what he saw.

Jeongin was wearing a tight black tank top and grey trousers. He was covered in sweat, all his muscles pumped up, the veins on his arms and biceps, his abs. His black hair sticking to his forehead as he panted lightly.

But the hottest thing was.

He was having a black blindfold over his eyes.

He was practicing Blind fighting.

"COME ON!" He shouted at the men he was practicing with.

You can only see Jeongin all worked up and with a raised voice when either he was practicing or finishing a work Minho gave him. All the other times, he is the most calm and composed one.

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