18. Yeah...

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"Come on. Let's go in" Minho whispered quietly, letting go of the younger and stepping out of the car. But before he could get out completely, he felt a tug on his t-shirt. Looking down he saw Jisung's hand clutching at his t-shirt's corner. He turned around completely and looked down at the boy. "Jisung? Let's go in, sweetheart?" he asked in a soft and calming voice.

The whole time in the car, Jisung was silent. Completely. He didn't uttered a single word. He just sat there stiff, looking out of the window, clutching Minho's t-shirt in his fist.

Minho was kind of glad but worried. He was glad because he knew, if Jisung will start crying and panicking in the car, he would not be able to do a lot to calm him down, and worried because he knew Jisung needs to cry, he needs to get everything out or it will hurt painfully.

Jisung finally looked up at Minho and Minho could swore his heart broke seeing those eyes. There was so much pain in those little sparkly eyes. "Pains..." a little whisper came out of his mouth as he blinked absent minded at Minho.

Minho immediately leaned down and held his face into his hands "Pains?" his voice sounding a little panicked "Where does it pain, baby?"

Oh? So Minho was not done calling Jisung his 'baby'? Well, no.

He would've stopped if it was an accident. But it was not. Minho have longed to call him that. He wanted to do that when Jisung first time came to him in the middle of the night and curled up against his back. 'You are ok, little baby'. He wanted to say that, that night too, but he didn't.

Love at first sight is a weird thing. A weird feeling. Your eyes land on a person for a split second and your heart claims them as yours.

You can't call a person yours just like that. But your heart can, and it does, and then it pains and yells everytime when you can't hold them, because according to the heart, that person is yours, but in reality, are they? No. But does that stupid heart understands that? No as well.

It was magically beautiful and painful at the same time.

Minho wanted to call Jisung his, when he first held his hoodie in his little hands, when he looked up at him with such scared eyes, when he called him 'Hyung' for the first time. But he couldn't.

But now, Jisung was his.

He will still take one step at a time. He will not say him an 'I love you' like that and will become his boyfriend. But Jisung was his. Only his. His baby.

"C-Chest" Jisung muttered in a quite voice, not ready to let Minho go.

There was something Minho has always failed to notice, that the thing he was hesitating at till now, Jisung never even once hesitated in that.

He has claimed Minho as his, a long time ago.

' "Hyung..."

"Can I get my hug now?"

"Can I sleep in your room? "

"I won't leave you hyung"

"I missed you" '

Jisung never once hesitated in holding Minho close to him and demanding for little things, like he have the right for those demands. And yes, he does have all the rights. Minho was his. And he's going to earn that, he is going to wait until Minho will call him 'My Jisung'. He will wait till the end.

"Your chest pains?" He asked, still softly cupping his cheeks. He released a heavy sigh when the younger nodded ever so slightly.

Of course his chest pains. He has been holding his tears and cries in since an hour now. Of course it would hurt.

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