38. Me too

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Jisung sat patiently on the bed, leg loosely crossed, lips parted a little, chin up, staring at the man in front of him.

It was a quiet ride to the Mansion after the party, where they both quietly sat in the back seat of the car, while their driver drove them to the Mansion.

The moment they reached, Minho immediately took the younger by his hand and took him to his room.

Minho didn't even gave the younger the chance to change his tuxedo into something comfortable. The only clothing he got to remove was, shoes, socks, his blazer, tie and vest.

So now, they both sat on the bed in their shirt and pant, facing each other. Jisung was quiet, not because he wanted to, but because he had Minho in front of him, holding a clean wet cloth, cleaning the blood off of his lips.

Although Minho has already cleaned the blood off his lips by his blazer's sleeve in the car, but Jisung still had some dried blood on his lips because of kissing the older's blood drenched hand.

Minho carefully wiped the blood off, holding Jisung's chin up by a finger, inches away from his face.

Jisung was still pretty lost. His mind was still a little dazed. He was pretty sure that the incident at the party, the blood, the sound of a person chocking and dying, the gunshot, the man laying dead with his eyes wide open having a bullet wound in the middle of his head, Minho covered in blood, all of this didn't affected him in any wrong way. No. He didn't got sacred, or traumatised, or was in shock. No.

But yes. It did something to him. He didn't knew what, but it did affected him in some way.

So he sat there, looking at Minho with dizzy eyes, hands limp, laying between his legs. He felt like the only thing holding him up was Minho's finger under his chin or he would fall over.

There was not even a single word that they have uttered since they entered the room. It was quiet. Very quiet. Because oh well...

Minho was not any better. Since the moment Jisung kissed his hand like he was some royalty, there was something that lit inside Minho's heart. He was craving Jisung. Anything. Anything from him. His touch, his voice, his breath, his warmth, his giggles, his lips, his everything. He was craving to be one with the boy's soul. Badly.

Both were having this fire in between them, which Minho was trying to hold back, trying his best to not look into the younger's big cloudy eyes.

He didn't knew what happened to Jisung's eyes suddenly, but they looked so..... dreamy. Like he was lost somewhere.

Minho carefully wiped the last stain of blood on the boy's lower lip and turned around to keep the cloth away, still holding his chin in place. And Jisung sat there, all quiet and still, just starring at the older's eyes.

And Minho let go. Let go of whatever he was holding back.

He dropped the cloth on the floor and turned around to the boy, but instead of saying something or even looking at him, he immediately attached their lips together, closing his eyes, kissing the boy deeply.

Jisung stayed there, still limp. He closed his eyes slowly as Minho kissed him roughly. Oh he felt so lost. Kept his lips parted for Minho, breathing sharply. Letting Minho do whatever he wants.

After a few seconds, when the younger didn't kissed back, Minho pulled away, feeling a guilt that he did something wrong. That he shouldn't have kissed the younger without asking. With the guilt lingering in his heart, he opened his eyes and looked into the younger's, still holding onto his chin.

Jisung slowly open his eyes, and looked at the man in front of him. Eyes getting even more dreamy, almost like he was drunk. Lips still parted lightly, chin up like a small kitten.

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