48. Forever?

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"He is coming here today, Sungie" the man laughed while filling up the injection.

Jisung looked at the man with blur grey eyes, laying like a lifeless body on the bed.

He hasn't eaten anything in past 10 days. Not even a single bite of bread. He was barely alive. Only thinking of Minho and his arms that he slept in so peacefully, fleeing so safe and carefree.

"10 days, but finally his brain worked" the man commented in a fake impressed tone, before bringing the needle to the boy's arm.

All Jisung was left, was the energy to blink and breath.

"Don't worry, this is not anesthesia" the man informed "This is a drug which will make your body refuse to act too much. Imagine, it will be so fun when you will get shot down in front of him, he would be shouting and crying like a bitch and you will lay there in blood but couldn't respond to him. Fun fun!" the man laughed.

He got up after injecting the drug in the boy's body and stretched.

"Happy waiting. I'll be flying back to Spain" he smiled "Bye little brother"

Jisung looked at the man in front of him with an unclear vision. The man covered in blood, holding a gun, looking at him with tears and the happiest smile that he could wear.


He saw the man lift his hands up like he was coming to hold him, taking a little step towards him. He seems so happy.

Jisung wanted to back away. He wanted to stop Minho.

"g-go a-a-away..."

He tried too, but it was useless because his voice was almost inaudible.

"Jisung... baby..."

Jisung took another shaky step forward.

He didn't wanted to walk towards Minho. He wanted to walk away. He knew what's going to happen. He didn't came out on his own, he was being pushed out. He knew what's coming in next 2 minutes.

He knew he was going to get shot. Shot dead in front of Minho.

But his body. His body was not with him. He was not the one moving his legs, he couldn't even feel them properly.

The moment he saw Minho, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He just couldn't do anything. He just felt limp. Like... He could feel everything, but can't react.

And then Jisung internally smiled.

He said a quiet 'sorry' to Minho. Sorry for being selfish.

Selfish to receive his touch for the last time.

He knew all this was to destroy Minho emotionally. So first he didn't wanted to die in front of him, didn't wanted him to break down and lose himself, but now, he has just accepted that.

He knew Minho will suffer but, he wanted to be the selfish one and not think about Minho crying over his dead body. All he wanted to think was Minho hugging him. Feeling protected in his arm for the last time. Feeling warm for the last time. Burry his face in that chest, listening to that heart beating for the last time.

So he tried and took another step forward, and saw Minho suddenly rush towards him.

"Jisung!" Minho shouted, finally registering that Jisung was indeed there. He found him.

He dropped his gun down and ran towards the boy.

Oh Jisung can never tell in words how he felt when that arm held him so securely, when that hand pulled his head forward, when his cheek landed on that warm chest.

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