Requests = Open

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Requests are open at the moment but I have a few rules on what I do and do not allow.

Don't allow:

1. No characters x reader

2. If I do not like a ship or am struggling to come up with a chapter for said ship I will not be making a chapter for that ship.

3. No smut, just no.

4. No minor x adult or illegal ships involving family members. No explanation needed for that one.

5. If you don't like a ship, skip the chapter.

Do allow :

1. Fluff.

2. Traumatizing, tear inducing, major character death angst or light hearted angst I guess.

3. Alternative Universes/ AU's, love writing these.

4. Character x character

Alternative Universe recommendations or angst ideas I would love to write if you want one but don't know what AU you want :

1.Hanahaki, love me some angst.

2. Modern, this is always fun to write.

3. Fantasy, I love fantasy so much would gladly write this.

4. Medieval, yes.

5. Streamer AU, why not

6. School AU, I can make it work probably

7. Someone dies

I also accept other AU's if you don't want any of these or I can just stick to cannon plot of you prefer that.

Extra note :

If you want something specific to happen in the story include it in the story. For example, if you want a certain trope, if you want them to get married, if you want them to have a child, etc.

If you start being rude because I won't write your request I won't compromise.
Just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean you have to be mean. - Author of this book

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