Mortal and immortal | Yantao

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Mortal and immortal
Credits to H1s_last_v1ct1m for helping me pick the ship for this chapter.
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao )
There's a lot of mentions of death and grieving in this chapter.

Yanfei always knew marrying a mortal would end up in heartbreak and sorrow.
But the death of her beloved funeral director came sooner then expected.

When she received the news she was in her office.
Sorting through cases, from fraud, to divorce, to child custody.

She was lost in her stack of work, abruptly snapped out of her focus when someone started loudly knocking on her door.
Expecting it to be another client, mad about something, she scoffed and unlocked the door and opened it.

She was shocked to see Hu Tao's coworker, Zhongli standing there.
" Oh, Zhongli why the sudden visit?"

Zhongli looked like he has been crying.
" I'm sorry to break the news but miss Hu has tragically passed away earlier this morning."

The minute Yanfei heard those words she felt her entire world collide around her.

" Not funny Zhongli.."
" I'm sorry, but she's dead."

Yanfei felt tears roll down from her eyes, the tear blurred her vision and she had to grip onto her desk to keep her balance.

" The autopsy report hasn't come back yet but from her condition we think it was of old age."

Yanfei's nails dug into the desk as an attempt to keep herself up, she couldn't see anything.
Tears clogged her vision.

Zhongli understood how the lawyer felt, first Guizhong, then the 11th of the Fatui Harbingers.
He loved them both, yet sadly both of them had tragically passed away.

He handed the grieving adepti a box of tissues, that's the least he could to to soften the blow.
He hugged her and offered to help with funeral arrangements if it was too much, but Yanfei insisted she could do it.


( I don't know how to write a funeral so your getting the after events )

A few days had passed after the funeral, Yanfei had thrown herself into her working.
Working harder then usual, trying to think about anything else.

Anything to get her mind off of the previous day's events.
When she was done with work she stopped by a flower shop near her work.

" Do you sell silk flowers?"
Everyone knew of what had happened, the cashier also knew and offered to make a beautiful bouquet free of charge.
Yanfei felt tears again as she accepted the offer.

When the cashier was done she handed the bouquet over.
It was wrapped in red and pink silk with a red ribbon.

The silk flowers felt and smelt fresh, Yanfei cried a little at how beautiful they were.
She thanked the cashier and made sure to leave a generous tip.

When she arrived at Hu Tao's tombstones she gently placed the bouquet on the ground, making sure not to ruin the beautiful bouquet.
She placed a hand on the tombstone, hoping that Hu Tao is having fun in the afterlife.

As she sat there she felt a cold wisp of air around her.
She smiled, imaging the cold air being Hu Tao there to support her wife.

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