Astrology and Language | Farulayla|

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Astrology and Language
No AU, just Farulayla being sillies
Requested by MonasJuicyThighs
Farulayla ( Faruzan x Layla )

Madam Faruzan was one of those people who had a major superiority complex.
Demanding respect from everyone and a harsh demeanor.
She saw herself as those people should look up too.

Layla was very aware of this and kept to herself, which didn't bother her she liked keeping to herself despite wanting to get close to scholar.
As the elven sat on a chair, struggling to stay awake as she tried to finish up on a report.

As she sat their scribbling who knows what when she heard someone from outside the library.
A angry Faruzan was arguing with a scholar.
Layla was too tired to deal with that so she continued minding her own business.
Till she heard the library door open and be slammed shut.

Layla nervously turned around to see a angry Faruzan who was looking through a book, not wanting to be noticed she put her pen down and silently started putting her stuff away.
That was, until her ink bottle knocked over making a clinking sound as it made impact with the table it sat on.

Just at the ink hit the table Faruzan turned around and made eye contact with Layla who looked like she had seen better days.
Faruzan immediately snapped out of her stern attitude and began smiled at Layla.

Layla quickly smiled and threw her stuff into her bag but just before she could finish putting everything up she felt a tap on her shoulder.
Anxiously turning around, Layla noticed Faruzan was way to close and quickly took a few steps back.
" Why so anxious?"
Faruzan didn't seem all that condescending to Layla, the same Faruzan who was standing in front of her who had made grown men cry was being so nice to the socially anxious elf.

Layla was confused, but muttered up the best response her sleep deprived mind could think of.
" I didn't mean to bother you I was just studying and-"
She was immediately cut off by Faruzan placing one of her fingers on the scholar's lips.

Layla felt like she was about to pass out.
And that night the two became very close friends, with Faruzan flirting with Layla while Layla was oblivious and thought she was joking around or just being nice.

Every day Faruzan would try to pull a move on the elf and she was oblivious as usual.
But as the days flew by Layla started becoming suspicious of what the scholar's true motives were.
Until the day came where Faruzan straight up told Layla she loved her.

The shocked elf stood there, flabbergasted.
" This isn't some prank is it?"
She asked, Faruzan being way to close again.
The scholar only shock her head, signaling to Layla no, no she was no joking around.

Layla only responded by covering her face in 40 shades of red.
Faruzan continued standing there, hands on her hips, waiting for Layla's response.
And she could have sworn she heard Layla whisper something.

' I love you '

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