Strength and elegance | Ganqing

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Strength and elegance
Medieval AU
Ganqing ( Ganyu x Keqing )
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Ganyu is a princess, Keqing is a knight, it's cute.

Keqing, though very dedicated to her work, would never admit the fact the main reason she signed up to be a knight for the royal reason was based on het admiration for the half qilin princess who was made to inherit the throne.

It all started, when Keqing was out on a walk and had wandered off from the village and before she knew it she couldn't find her way home.
In a panic, she began crying, light blue tears streaming down her face as she searched for her way home.
She stopped crying when she heard a angelic, yet young, voice question her.
" Are you ok miss?"

Keqing moved her purple pigtails out of her face and turned around to spot the most prettiest girl she had ever seen.
A little girl, around her age, with wavy, light blue hair with eyes matching the same color in a flowy, baby blue, dress that had white laces at the bottom.
On top of her head were to red horns and once Keqing spotted those horns she realized she was talking to someone from the royal family.

Keqing turned a little pink looking at the half qilin but she quickly fixed her composure and bowed.
That was the right thing to do when faced with someone who was royal, right?
The princess in front of her cupped her hands on her face, obviously flustered at Keqing's attempts to be polite.

Once Keqing noticed she immediately apologized and explained her situation.
" I was on a walk to look for some glaze lilies for my mom and got lost."
The little Keqing seemed like she was about to cry again and the princess quickly rushed to her side and hugged her.

" I'll help you find your way home!"
The Princess stated, attempting to reassure her new found friend.
Keqing stopped crying a bit and sniffled a bit as the blue haired girl gently grabbed her hand.
Keqing realized they were now holding hands and blushed a little, though the girl adjacent to her didn't seem to notice as she quickly made sure Keqing had no scrapes or bruises.

Once sure that Keqing had no inquires she led her back to where she assumed her village was.
" So what's your name?"
Keqing asked as the two walked back, happy she had made a new friend but a bit embarrassed by her current situation.
" Oh," the princess paused before finishing her introduction " i'm Ganyu, half qilin which is why I have these horns."
She said as she tapped her horns with one of her fingers.

" Pretty name Ganyuuu!"
She said, empathizing the ' u ' at the end of her new friend's name.
Ganyu blushed and Keqing laughed at Ganyu's flustered face.

The two laughed and giggled as they made their way back to Keqing's home.
Multiple questions were asked and once the two approached the clearing of the forest that looked down upon the village they agreed to meet here every day.


A few years had passed and the two were now adults.
They had kept that promise to meet at the clearing of the forest every day, though it was hard for a multitude of reasons.

One day in particular, the two were sitting by a lake when Ganyu broke the news to Keqing.
" Soo," she stopped for a minute, caressing her fingers around Keqing's
" a new position is open for a guard at the palace I was wondering if you wanted to apply?"

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