' What happened to you?' | Eulamber

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'What happened to you?'
Hurt, no comfort, angst,
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber )

This does not represent the characters from the game Eula and Amber are both amazing, I just wanted to make people cry.

Amber loved Eula, she truly did, but the current Eula was not the same Eula she fell in love with when they were younger. When they first met, Amber instantly fell in love with Eula's strong spirit, how straight forward she was but also kind and caring.

Now as she stood there, from afar, watching the woman she loved the most flirt with other women, she wondered if she could still feel that way about Eula. Was she wrong for feeling this way?


Amber snuck up and surprised her beloved girlfriend with a secret back hug. ' Amber you scared me! ' Eula giggled, turning around to give Amber a kiss on her forehead.

' I have a surprise!" Amber almost shouted, practically jumping up and down with excitement in front of her beloved. ' What is it? ' Eula asked, gaining a quiet laugh from Amber.

' Silly it's not a surprise if I tell you what it is!' Amber took a breath before continuing, ' Meet me at Windrise after dinner!'

And with that, Amber was off, leaving a confused yet excited Eula behind.

When Eula arrived at Windrise she found Amber in her usual outrider outfit, her smile wider then usual.
' Why'd you want to meet me here?'

Eula tilted her head a bit, suddenly noticing Amber was hiding something behind her back. ' Hey don't try and look!'

Amber slid whatever the object was into her pocket fast enough so Eula couldn't see. ' Pretend you didn't see that it'll ruin the surprise.'

Now she was even more confused.
Amber motioned for Eula to come closer and then when she was only a few inches away Amber took a deep breath and got on one knee, taking out the object in her pocket.


Amber looked away from the sight, it hurt to see Eula with other women. It hurt to Eula act like they were never a thing, like their love meant nothing to her and was just another miniscule thing in her life.

Amber looked down at the ring on her ring finger, it had a blue stone on it, a ring she used to love to admire but now it only brought her pain. But she could never take it off, because the it would signify what Eula had told her that had crushed her heart.

' You'll never be good enough for me.


' Eula you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes on. You make every day better and I truly do not know what I'd do without you. '

Amber paused for a minute before continuing, she hadn't prepped for her proposal and only now realized how shaky her voice sounded.

' So why don't we be together forever?'
And with that Amber held out the ring, her smile brighter then any star in the universe.


Those words jabbed at Amber's heart, but maybe she was hearing it wrong or maybe Eula was joking.


' No, why would I marry you? Your not good enough for me to consider a life long partner.'

It felt like an arrow had pierced Amber's heart. Those words ringed through Amber's ears for the next few weeks, she felt defeated.


As Amber sat at an empty table, it hurt to watch Eula wrap her arms  around another woman's waist, her fingers playfully tapping her back. Amber felt sick, she looked down at her food she ordered, she couldn't eat it now.

It only got worse as she watched Eula whisper something into the woman's ears, both of them giggling as Eula  pulled the woman away and left the party. Right in front of her.

' Eula,' tears fell down Amber's face as she looked at the door the two left from, ' what happened to you?'


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