Your beautiful Amber eyes| Lumiamber

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Your beautiful Amber eyes
Modern AU
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Lumiamber ( Lumine x Amber )

Lumine fiddled with her work apron, before finally managing to tie it in the back. She wrapped her blonde hair in a ponytail, had to follow health codes even if her hair wasn't necessarily long.

Once she had everything open she slid out from the back of the shop and mentally prepped herself for the first day on the job officially, she had simple training before but this was her first time serving the customers. Since it was early in the morning she was sure the shop would be filled with people wanting a coffee before work any minute now.

She leaned against the counter, nervously tapping her fingers are the smooth counters as she awaited her doom. Who puts a new hire on the day shift at a coffee shop anyways?

Her mind flooded with anxious scenarios, the tapping on the counter making a rhythm as her worry grew. Her anxiety only grew when she heard the bell, signifying someone had entered the shop.

She took a deep breath and prepared herself for this, she was tough she's got this! Her hands glided across the counter as she walked to where the customer would be standing.

She couldn't help but admire the first customer of the day, waist length brown hair, a red cropped hoodie that's string were tied like bunny ears and black shorts. Lumine figured she probably just woke up and wanted a coffee or something, that or she just dressed like that on a daily basis.

Lumine had to admit this stranger was the prettiest woman she had ever met. She forced herself to focus.

' First day on the job and i'm already getting distracted..' She mentally scolded herself, grabbing a nearby notepad, ready to get the stranger's order, possibly her number too.

" Welcome to Venti's coffeehouse! What can I get for you?"

The stranger took a minute to study the menu before responding.

" Um the Caffé Mocha looks good.. Hm, what would your recommend?"
" It's my first day here, but people who have a sweet tooth prefer the Caffé Mocha or the Chocolate Latte. If you want something stronger a expresso maybe?"

The stranger took another minute to think, Amber took this time to note the stranger's dreamy amber eyes.

" I'll take a Vanilla Latte."
" Okay, can I get a name for the order?"
" Of course! Um Amber!"

Lumine nodded, grabbing a marker and jolting the name on it. While she was writing the name she gained the confidence to write her number on it.

It wouldn't hurt would it? She had her number memorized so that was no problem, under Amber's name she wrote down her number, drawing a little heart beside it.

She quickly made the drink, making sure not to mess up anything. Once the drink was done she placed it on the counter, then called out that Amber's order was done.

She watched Amber take the drink, sat down and stare at the writing on the cup. Then she watched as she held the cup in one hand, her phone in the other, type something then placed it back down.

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