It's my fault| Eulamber

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It's my fault
Angst, mourning, main character death, c r y
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber )

Slight trigger warning, there is murder and slight detail about said murder. 

' Eula!' The outrider wrapped her arms lovingly around her tall, yet still huggable, girlfriend. ' Excited to see me?' The blue haired woman teased affectionately, ' Yes! It's been so long since I've seen you!' Amber whined, which resulted in a giggle from the other.

' Bunny we had a sleepover 2 days ago!' Eula jokingly scolded, knowing Amber was just playing around. ' Still! Too long for me!' The two embraced in a long hug, unaware of the events that were about to occur. It was ironic honestly, the two stood for a moment, fingers intertwined with one another, unaware of the group of people who's eyes were glued onto the Lawerence.

Maybe if Amber had noticed sooner, maybe if she put up a fight, maybe then Eula would still be alive. The events that followed would be burned into her memory forever, she had no time to think when she was grabbed from behind by a stranger, who locked her in a chokehold  while two other people, hidden by dark clothing, approached Eula before she could run to Amber, cornering her against the wall, her claymore just barely within reach, propping itself against the stone wall. 

Her hand instinctively rushed to the claymore, one eye on her claymore, the other on the stranger and Amber. But before she could wrap her fingers around the handle, one of the strangers kicked the claymore away, but Eula still had a chance, brute strength, relying on her hands and those alone she went in for an attack, which should have dismounted the two strangers and unblocking the path towards Amber. But things can never be that simple.

The stranger reached into their pocket with a free hand, revealing a blade and holding it up to Amber's throat, the blade felt cold against her neck, it was close but not close enough to cut her. ' We don't want to hurt her but if you even think of trying anything then your beloved outrider will get it.' Panic shoved it's way down Amber's throat, frozen by shock, she couldn't help if she was stuck like this, she would forever hate herself for not trying to escape earlier. But she had frozen up, her eyes widened as the men practically had her lover pinned to the wall, only now had she noticed they were armed, well made swords, she tried to note every detail she could.

If she couldn't help now maybe she could help identify these strangers later, their voice, she noted, were husky, the wear and tear of smoking lingered with each word and it sounded, the one holding her had sounded like a male, his breath now invading the outrider's nose. The familiar smell of alcohol was prominent, a male, he seemed to smoke and drink. 

Next her eyes went to Eula's attacker's they hadn't done anything yet, perhaps waiting for something or as Amber would phrase it the moment felt frozen in time, a second felt like hours. One of the figures was smaller, she could make out through what they were wearing curves, so maybe a girl but she couldn't assume like that. That's when her eyes widened, one of the attackers held up the hand that wasn't holding the sword and punched Eula in the eye, on cue the man holding Amber moved his mouth down to her ear, 'Don't make a single sound.' He whispered, holding his head back up as both of them watched the attack continue. 

Ears streamed down her eyes as she watched. Eula, had bruises and scars painted on her face, the attackers stopped, but only for a minute, the two of them held their swords up, their target clear. ' Where is help?' Amber thought to herself, they were supposed to be at a meeting 30 minutes ago, had anyone came to look for them? That's when her mind went blank, staring in pain and anguish as the two attackers blades moved in sync and pierced through Eula, hitting various vital organs. 

The attackers stepped back, admiring their work before turning their head to the man who was holding Amber, nodding at to confirm the kill. After the confirmation, the man punched Amber in the head, knocking her out.

It was Jean who found them, it was obvious there was no hope for Eula at that point, her clothes painted red from her own blood, Amber on the other hand only had a minor head injury. 'Get a medic!' she called out, rushing to the passed out Amber and holding her up slowly. Red liquid poured from the wound at a slow rate, staining the Grand Acting Master's gloves but that was the least of her worries at the moment. At that moment Amber began fading in and out of conscious, barely able to make out the figure lingering over her, her vision getting blurrier by the minute, before fading out of conciousness again. 

The next time she woke up she was in her room, it had to have been a dream them? Holding her hand up to her head she felt a bandage wrapped around her head, she looked around, no one was here. ' Hello?'  She called out, footsteps rushed to the room followed by the door hinges creaking as the door opened.

Standing in the frame of the door was Barbara, who let out a sigh of relief seeing Amber awake and in good condition. ' You're awake!' She looked over at the outrider, obviously tired. 'Barbara? What are you doing here? Ugh my head, I had a horrible nightmare me and Eula were-' 

Barbara looked down, not wanting to meet Amber's eyes as she delivered the information, ' Amber, it wasn't a dream. She's dead.' The world around her froze, Barbara had to be lying there was no way this is true, this was just some cruel prank. ' No, no she can't be, this is a joke right?' Barbara shook her head no, ' Amber, I saw her body myself.' A weight pounded on to Amber's back, she felt like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders.

' Amber?' Barbara whispered, taking a step forward, ' Please leave me be for now.' Amber's hands fell to her side, everything felt fake there was no way this could be true. She heard the door close and footsteps walking away, now she was truly alone in her room. Unable to see from the tears that fogged up her visions.

The next few days that passed by felt long and dulling, it felt like everyone had their eyes on her, 'I bet she's the one who killed her' a person mumbled, 'No, the people who did it were caught but I heard she watched it, I bet she felt happy to see her die.' Another replied, obviously aware the outrider could hear them, but she had better things to do. ' I wouldn't blame her.' Another one added on, stupid people that know nothing, Amber reminded herself. They knew nothing and were just ignorant, that's how she kept herself from lashing out on the people that surrounded her, their eyes glued on to her even when she was alone.

She pulled herself up into bed, her muscles aching with every movement, Jean had to practically force her to take a break. Amber had to remind herself that Eula wouldn't want to see her like this, that's what kept her from arguing with Jean. Beside her was her baron bunny plush, which she held in her arms, burying her face into the stuffed animal. 

What was she supposed to do now? Eula was everything to her, now there was no more Eula. It had been about a month since Eula left her, not much had happened, every one either looked down at her or sympathized her. Now alone with her thoughts, she tried to do what almost every one recommended, focus on the happy memories, but that was kind of hard given the situation she was in. 

' Eula, why'd you have to go.' She muttered to herself, pulling herself up, she felt a warm breeze around her. ' Now I'm alone.' Mumbling to herself, Amber pulled out a special notebook she kept, Lisa recommended it.  In it she kept every letter her and Eula had exchanged, whenever she read them she was reminded of how she would curl up in bed excitingly reading every letter her lover had written her. The same warm bubbly feeling would return only to leave and be replaced with that gapping hole in her hear when she was reminded of the truth.

Eula was gone, gone forever, never coming back. But maybe she could still reminisce every now and then.   

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