A well needed lesson| Laylou

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A well needed lesson
Fluff, no AU, Layla is in love
Laylou ( Layla x Nilou)
Requested bySarcasm_460

What was she to do? Her assignment was due tomorrow, nothing, but sloppy notes that resembled hieroglyphics. She was sure to fail.

Layla had been assigned a paper on the unique cultural aspects of Sumeru. And what did she have? Nothing, she wAs screwed.

Sighing in defeat, she pulled herself from the library seat she'd been slumped in for hours, lazily stretching her back out she considered what to do. No one ever got anywhere by sitting around.
So, an idea sprung in her head.


It had been a while since she truly took a minute to roam around the city, her eyes danced around, slowly taking in all the beautiful details when her eyes laid upon a dancer. The skirt that adorned her waist flowed with her moments, along with her coral red hair that swayed, her movements were elegant, this was something she had been doing for a while it seemed. Layla had seen this specific dancer around, Nilou.

The starstruck student caught the dancer's eye, who swiftly paused her movements to smile at the flabbergasted Layla. 'No need to be shy. ' She hummed, Layla was obviously nervous since she had been caught staring.

'Sorry I didn't mean to stare I just needed inspiration. ' Nilou softly laughed and made her way over to Layla. 'Inspiration? ' She asked, Layla nodded.

' I have a project due soon about Sumeru's culture and I was curious about your dancing I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stare. ' She blabbered, Nilou reassured the tired student it'd be fine and led her to a nearby bench.

The two sat down, Layla was thankful the dancer wanted to sit down, her legs were so sore. ' So you want to learn more about the dancing aspect of Sumeru? ' Nilou asked again, her hands resting on her own lap as she kindly looked at Layla, her coral hair blowing slightly in the wind. It gave her an ethereal look.

Layla nodded once again, it was hard to make conversation with such a pretty girl focusing solely on her. ' Well, ' the dancer started off, and that's what marked the beginning of a long, long rant about the history surrounding the art if dance.

Nilou was clearly passionate about this sort of things, her eyes glistened as she discussed dancing, stopping to show Layla examples of certain dances every now and then. 'You seen so skilled, I wish I could dance with you. ' She mumbled.

What happened next shocked her. Nilou held a hand out, which Layla hesitantly took and stood up. 'This dance has no ties to Sumeru but I can teach you. ' She offered, one hand resting on Layla's waist, the other holding a gloved hand.

' Ever learned how to tango? ' She asked, Layla shook her head no, and that's what marked the begin. For 10 minutes the two danced, passerbys watching the two in awe. As the dance came to the end, Nilou dipped Layla gently, her hand wrapped firmly around her waist as to not drip her, then carefully pulling her back up.

' Wow' Was all Layla could say, her cheeks beat red, a hand still intertwined with one of Nilou's.

As the two parted for the day, the dance reminisced in Layla's mind. She felt at peace when the two had danced, but her heart was also racing in her chest, threatening to escape. Safe to say Layla was to flustered to make her paper the day but the next day, as she sat, her mind kept sinking back to the dance.

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