Unplanned Study Date | Laylamber

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Unplanned Study Date
Fluff, College au
Laylamber ( Layla x Amber )

I wrote this in one sitting, so it is kinda rushed.

Another all nighter, taking her seat at a table in the library, it was currently 7:00 pm, perfect timing in her opinion. Opening up the first binder of notes, she prepared herself for a very long restless night. 

After taking a quick break to eat, she plopped herself back down into the seat, she had a lot done but there was still a whole week's worth of notes she had to go back over. Taking in every detail until it was ingrained in her mind, next thing she knew she was passed out, her face buried in one of her notebooks.

' Are you ok?' Layla was woken up by someone gently shaking her, 'mm?' She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she looked around, definitely not expecting to meet the gaze of the most prettiest girl she had ever laid her sleep deprived eyes on. She knew who she was, Amber, of course she knew her she had a crush on her since the beginning of first semester. ' I thought you were dead!' Amber whisper yelled, ' No not yet.' 

' Hey don't be so down!' Amber perked up, sliding into the seat next to Layla, 'You know,' she continued, ' I don't mind lending a helping hand.' Layla was no idiot, she know she couldn't turn down an opportunity like this, ' Alright.' Layla laid out her notes, watching fear sneak onto Amber's face. ' You know you don't have to he-' She tried to insist before being cut off, ' No I will help!' Amber proudly fixed her posture and looked down at the notes, she had no clue what any of this meant but hey, helping a cute girl was something she'd never turn down, even if she was extremely confused.

Three hours had passed and Amber was practically fighting sleep, ' I'm getting sleepy,' she let out a yawn, 'want to wrap things up?' Layla looked down at her phone, 2:30 am. Normally she'd continue but she could feel the life being drained from her and she didn't want Amber to think she was deranged. ' Yeah, we probably should.' Layla packed up her things, with a bit help from Amber and started to leave before she was stopped.

' Wait no no you can't be leaving by yourself this late, we can have a sleepover!' Layla paused but was too tired to make the very long journey to her apartment which was off campus, mean while Amber lived on campus, so she agreed. ' Alright sure.' 

Amber practically jumped up and down with excitement, ' I love sleepovers!' She practically shouted, before realizing she was in a library and whispered an apology despite no one else being there. Hand in hand, she walked Layla back to her on campus room, ' We should have weekly study dates!' Amber exclaimed, making Layla instantly go red. ' Dates?' She questioned, 'Yep! That's what you call hang outs like that, right?' ' I guess?' 

By then they had made it to Amber's room, ' So where do I sleep?' Layla asked. ' Well I'm too poor to afford a couch so all I have is my bed- If that makes you uncomfortable though I can always sleep in the bath tub.' ' No it's finee.' 

' Ok you go ahead and lay down i'll go change.' Layla had already been wearing sweatpants and a sweater so she had no need to change, she collapsed into Amber's very comfortable bed and curled herself up in the sheets. By the time Amber had changed Layla was already asleep, she made sure she put distance between the two, not wanting to make Layla uncomfortable.

Maybe it was a cruel coincidence she woke up and was big spooning Layla, who seemed very comfortable, almost like a sleeping beauty in Amber's eyes. Careful not to wake the sleeping Layla up, Amber pulled away and got herself ready for the day. When she went to brush her teeth, she stared in the mirror, the blush on her face prominent.

' Oh no.' The realization had just hit like a bus, Amber never thought of herself to like girls. I mean, there was that thing where she had kissed her best friend in high school and she could have sworn she was head over heels. But she pressured herself into hiding that, but this was something she couldn't just play off, she definitely was in love with the woman sleeping peacefully in her bed. Layla.

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