Lantern Rite |Beigguang

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Lantern Rite
No AU, set during Lantern Rite
Credits to AndiYT for helping me pick the ship for this chapter
Beigguang ( Beidou x Ningguang)

The Tianquan looked down from her jade chamber, watching as the people of Liyue prepped for Lantern Rite.
She looked back at the invitation the caption of the Crux Fleet had given to her that morning.

Ningguang had to commend Beidou for how sneaky she was when giving the letter to her.
She slid it in with one of her reports and only when Beidou had left had she spotted the invitation.

A plain white envelope with a heart stamp, Ningguang found the idea of the
' uncrowned lord of the ocean' inviting her to Lantern Rite a bit amusing.
Gently folding up the letter and tucking into a drawer on her desk she contemplated if, or if not she should accept the invite.

The invite was straightforward, which Ningguang expected.
' Meet me near the harbor when Lantern Rite starts.
- Beidou'

Ningguang was no idiot, she knew Beidou wanted more then friendship out of their little business arrangement she had.
Why else would she got to such lengths to sneak Ningguang the invite.

She reluctantly decided it would be best to go.
But what was a woman who already had it all supposed to wear?

Luckily, she had a outfit tailored specifically for special occasions like this.
She sent someone to get it and leave it in her room when they got it.

Once the time for Lantern Rite was getting closer the Tianquan walked to her room to put on her new outfit.
When she was done she couldn't help but admire her reflection.

Her usual red tassel was now replaced with a blue one and her white hair was held up with a blue hair piece.
The dress itself was admirable, blue with slits for each leg, not too long, not too short.

The colors complemented the glowing geo vision she had very well and she had replaced her normal gloves with rings the hugged the skin on her hands.
Bits of yellows and whites could be spotted in the outfit as well, the colors went well with Ningguang's features.

The dress was fit for the Tianquan perfectly.
She finished up some final details and began to leave for the Lantern Rite.

Just before though she gave all of her workers the day off, a day to celebrate the Lantern Rite.
Once she had reached the city of Liyue she noticed she was a bit nervous to meet the captain.

That was unheard of, the Tianquan getting nervous?
That wasn't possible!

But here she was, her nerves feeling a bit uneasy.
She decided to walk her nerves off since she had a bit of time left.

As she walked for a bit she spotted different couples decorating lamps together or chatting about, most likely waiting for the festivities to start.
That got her thinking, she would love to make a lantern with Beidou.

What a silly thought though, wasn't it?
As time cam closer she headed in the direction of the harbor.
Many seemed shocked the Tianquan was there, especially in an outfit that fancy.

She was a bit overdressed for the occasion, yes.
But, anything to woo the captain of the Crux Fleet was fine with her.

Once she arrived she waited for Beidou.
She was already agitated, how dare she make the Tianquan wait for her.

A few minutes later Ningguang finally spotted Beidou.
Beidou was dressed how she normally did, so when she spotted Ningguang she was a bit impressed at how well she was dressed.

Beidou eyed the Tianquan, Ningguang was happy the tailored outfit was to her liking.
" You got the letter?"

" Obviously you didn't even try to hide it."
Beidou nodded and grabbed onto the Tianquan's hand.


It was getting closer to the end of the festivities and Ningguang wasn't shocked that Beidou was already beyond drunk.
Ningguang her self hadn't had too much, she hated hangovers.

She never understood how Beidou could put up with it.
The two were on Beidou's ship, a few members of Beidou's crew were still drinking, a few had already gone below deck to sleep.

Ningguang stepped away from the small party and went to the railing of the ship.
She could see a few groups of people seemingly finishing their lanterns.

It wouldn't hurt to ask Beidou to watch the lanterns with her, right?
She waited till a few more had left and questioned the captain.

Beidou was now way past her alcohol limit.
Ningguang led her to a bench near the port where the ship was and helped the captain sit down.

Beidou was babbling about a debate her and Kazuha, another member of her crew had.
" So- He said that cereal tastes better without milk but I think-"

Ningguang placed her hand on Beidou's mouth to make her shut up.
She pointed to the lanterns floating in the sky now.

The tipsy Beidou seemed in awe at the different lanterns.
Ningguang her self was also impressed, the people of Liyue had really outdone themselves this year.

Once the lanterns were over Ningguang looked beside her, Beidou was now passed out.
She didn't want to leave her there but if people saw her carry the captain rumors might spread.

She went through the possibilities, she's the Tianquan so she could easily shut the rumors up most likely.
But there was still a possibility..

She ended up bridal style carrying Beidou back to her ship and placing her in her room.
Once Ningguang made sure Beidou was safe she left, closing the door behind her.

She hoped the two could do more next Lantern Rite.

( I have never done the Lantern Rite event so this chapter is based off of what I have seen from videos.
The outfit in this chapter is her special event skin by the way.)

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