Passing on| Rosatao

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Passing on
Angst, Rosaria dies lol, Hu Tao a metaphor for death/the grim reaper not clickbait.
Mentions of blood, death and moving to the after life.
Rosatao ( Rosaria x Tao )

She put up a good fight, she told herself, the wound deathly close to her heart was quickly bleeding out. This isn't how she thought she would go, but as her life was closing in on her, the many mistakes she had made washed over her.

When was the last time she told someone she loved them? When was the last time, her thoughts were interrupted by a gentle tap on her shoulder, the touch was deathly cold, colder then the cryo vision Rosaria carried.

Weakly she looked up, a girl? Her vision was blurry, probably from the blood loss, but she could make out the figure, long brunette hair divided into two pigtails, red crimson eyes stamped with light crimson flowers, a dark uniform with shorts exposing her thighs and the rest of her legs.

The coattail of the uniform split at the end, god she was beautiful, Rosaria noted. The figure came more into vision, a black hat sat on the top of her head, a red flower adorning it, it matched her well.

'You're cold. ' Rosaria mumbled, the figure giggled, a cheerful one, which was weird due to the circumstances. ' Of course the embodiment of death would be cold. ' She lightly whispered, even her breath was cold.

Death, yep Rosaria was definetly dying. The figure, death apparently, kneeled down and placed a cold kiss on the side of Rosaria's face, she held a hand out, which was adorned with all types of rings, Rosaria stuck her hand out.

She felt the rings adorning the chilled hand which were as cold as snow. 'It won't hurt. ' She lightly whispered, that felt reassuring somehow.

Rosaria hesitated, her hand pulling away for a minute before holding onto the woman's hand. 'Who are you? ' She asked, feeling a new type of energy, weird. Wasn't she dying a minute ago?

' Hu Tao. ' Death whispered, helping Rosaria up, she felt reborn, a new person. ' Don't looked behind you. ' Her voice lingered again, as she led Rosaria away from the scene.

Behind her, what was behind her? As the two turned the corner Rosaria spotted it for a second, her body, lifeless and blood staining the once white outfit.

Dead? She was dead, she saw it in front of her own eyes so, how was she walking now, so full of life.

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