Multiship 2 | Liyue

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These next few chapters will consist of couples from each region, that are currently out, going on group dates I guess. It's a thank you for 2,000 reads!

Ships for this chapter: Beigguang, Yantao, Ganqing, Shenlan, Xingyun

It was an organized event, set up by the Tianquan of Liyue, Ningguang for some unknown reason . Something she normally wouldn't do is plan something like this, invites were required but almost everyone in Liyue had received one.

A letter in a white envelope stamped with golden wax that still felt freshly melted when the people had received them. The invite states for everyone who has received an invite to arrive at the Jade Chamber, which shocked everyone.

A random event taking place at the Tianquan's resident? That was quite a rare occasion.

As well as the location being provided and an exact date, there was a dress code which asked for the attendees of the event to dress as if they were attending a ball. There was a list providing the menu for the event, saying if anyone had concerns for the event to contact one of the secretaries that worked personally under the Tianquan.


Standing on a small platform, the Tianquan looked down at her people. Her dress she normally wore had been modified, the gold adorning the cloth seemed to be glowing, the vision which laid a bit bellow her chest glimmering.

" Thank you to all who have attended." Ningguang spoke, breaking the silence that lingered in the spacious area. Continuing on, she explained the reasonings behind this spontaneous gathering, she felt the people had the right to hold a bit celebration in honor of starting a new era for Liyue.

Muttered whispers could be heard from the crowd, it was expected Ningguang would make a public announcement but a whole party was unexpected. Ningguang stepped down from the small platform, the people who attended the occasions' attention fixated on the accomodations around the room.

Small tables filled with booklets and others had foods and drinks. A small table set as a memorial for Rex Lapis was placed in the center.


( Yantao has a chokehold on me so here's some Yantao)

One hour into the event, everyone was relaxed and enjoying the festivities. Most of the people there were either drunk out of their minds or hadn't even had a drop of wine.

That was true for the most renowned legal advisor in Liyue and her girlfriend who was currently who was lazily supporting herself against the Lawyer's shoulder. The director's hand rummaging freely around the Lawyer, Yanfei swatted away her lover's hand trying to get her to balance the amount of alcohol she drank with some food and water.

" Tao we're in public." The half-adeptus muttered under her breath, taking a few steps away from the wasted director. Not to far though, she needed to keep an eye on her in case anyone were to approach her.

Realizing now Tao was not going to willingly take what Yanfei was offering, she grabbed onto her chin and gently slipped some water from a cup into her mouth. Admitting defeat, Hu Tao allowed Yanfei to hold the cup up to her lips till the water inside of it was gone.

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