Why is my food so cute? Part 1| Yantao

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Why is my food so cute? Part 1
Vampire Fei, Modern Au kind of
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao )
(The chapter title is based off a manhwa I read)

Going into the forest during the day time was suspenseful on its own, but during the day? Now that itself was a whole new chapter of terrors.

But still, Hu Tao did tell her friends, Xingqiu, Chongyun and Xiangling, that she would do it. "Here goes nothing." She thought to herself as she grabbed the flashlight she had put in her bag.

Reluctantly, she turned on the flashlight and pointed it towards the path in front of her, illuminating the way. Hu Tao was known to be a prankster amongst her friends, claiming she was scared of nothing and daring her friends to do things similar to what she was doing now.

That is how she found herself in her current predicament. With each step she took, Hu Tao could hear leaves and twigs crunch under feet as she made her way down the path.

"There's nothing to be scared of ." She reassured herself as she continued walking. Her journey into the supposed haunted woods had only been about 10 minutes long when she realized the path had ended, but there was still more forest.

It looked like the stone continuing the path had been covered by overgrown grass and mud, but she told everyone she would spend the entire night in the forest. There's nothing to be scared of, surely, Hu Tao convinced herself if she walked a bit away from the path she'd be fine.

She needed to find a surface flat enough to set up camp she had a small tent she brought along for herself and a blanket and sleeping bag. As she walked away from the path, her mind felt blank, empty even.

The best way to describe it was that she was in a trance-like state, mindlessly walking far into the forest.
When she finally regained control of herself she found herself in front of a cottage, it looked well kept which put Hu Tao off a bit.

Who in their right minds would live here?

Before she could properly process the fact that she had just mindlessly wandered through the woods that had previously frightened her, she felt all the energy be drained from her body as she fainted into the ground.


When she awoke she was in a room which was unfamiliar to her. She was sitting on a couch, a blanket had covered her.

The blanket felt warm, like it had recently been dried, but before Hu Tao could recollect her thoughts she was interrupted by the creaking of the door to the room opening. A head peaked through the door, it was a girl who looked like she was about Hu Tao's age.

Her hair was pink and looked very fluffy and her eyes were a emerald shade of green and she seemed somewhat relieved that Hu Tao was okay. Before Hu Tao could get a word out, the stranger fully opened the door and walked into the room.

" Are you ok?" The stranger asked Hu Tao, leaning in to place her hand onto Hu Tao's forehead. Her face turned a slight shade of pink when the stranger's hand made contact with her forehead.

" Yeah I'm fine.. Who are you? Where am I? What happened?"

" I'm Yanfei, you're in my house and honestly i'm not entirely sure how to explain what happened."

The woman, now known as Yanfei, seemed fascinating to Hu Tao. She could get lost in those eyes if she wasn't careful, there was something so alluring about Yanfei.

Snapping out of her enchanted daze, Hu Tao pushed herself up, now sitting on the couch, she looked up at Yanfei.
" Not entirely sure?" She questioned, taking note of Yanfei's outfit which was just a simple blank T-shirt and shorts, but somehow something as simple as that looked good on Yanfei.

" Anyways, can I get you anything? Water? Tea? A snack?" Yanfei murmured, trying to change the subject. Hu Tao quickly took note of Yanfei's urgency to the subject.

She made a mental note deciding she would ask Yanfei about it later, or maybe she could do more extensive research on the forest. Which she realized she should have done her research before she went into a forest which was infamous for its creepy tales.

" No I'm fine." Hu Tao replied, which Yanfei seemed a bit relaxed hearing that. " Good, it's dangerous in the woods at night, best you spend the night here." Hu Tao nodded, thankful that a person she just met was so kind to her, something the girl was not used to.


When she woke up she noticed how bright it was outside, Hu Tao would normally not sleep this long but she chalked it up to being tired from her little journey last night. Pulling herself up from the couch, she felt like she had stayed for way too long, grabbing her bag which was placed on a table beside the couch she slept on.

She ripped off a piece of paper from the notebook she had brought with her and quickly wrote something down.

' Sorry for staying so late into the morning, I'll leave now. Thank you for taking care of me and letting me sleep at your house for the night.'

She then wrote down her phone number, because Yanfei seemed truly incredible to Hu Tao despite only knowing her for about an hour and spending the night at her house. It would be a shame if Hu Tao skipped the chance on making a new friend, or possibly getting herself a future girlfriend.

It seemed like Yanfei wasn't home so Hu Tao would have to trust herself to find the way back to the path. Which shockingly, she was able to find the path after about 20 minutes of searching.

When she got home she turned her phone on and was bombarded with texts from her friends about what happened. She messaged the group chat she was in with her friends, inviting them all to the park later so she could explain what happened then.

Right now she still needed to process the fact that she had just spent the night at a cute girl's house. In the back of her mind though, Hu Tao could have sworn that while she was admiring Yanfei last night that her lips seemed... a unusual dark shade of red which looked unnatural.

I scrapped my first Yantao oneshot idea for this cause I got the idea during English Class and HAD to write it.

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