I loved you, I'm sorry | Kokosara

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I loved you, I'm sorry
No AU, lots of angst tho, character death
No One requested this
Kokosara ( Kokomi x Sara )
This kind of follows the current game lore, but breaks off from the original story and people die, blood will be mentioned.

Before the war escalated, Kokomi and Sara saw each other as more then just friends, the two were in love to put it shortly. Kokomi felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she would go out with Sara, the two went on dates, spoiling each other.

When new decrees were introduced the two still tried to make time for each other. But things went downhill when Kokomi 's army was suffering, she stressed herself out trying to gather supplies, but Sara's side of the army's attempts at victory were getting in the way.

The two grew apart, slowly but surely. Arguments ensued, Kokomi couldn't function under the amount of stress she was under. She still loved Sara but her main priority was to lead the Resistance through the war and they decided it was best to end things for now.

Ever since the two split up, Kokomi found herself at her desk at night, writing heartfelt letters to Sara, that she would never deliver, but it was nice to have them. She'd also shed a few tears when reminiscing on her's and Sara's relationship.

Surely they'd get back together after the war right? That was the only hope Kokomi had, as she mentally pushed herself to continue reading the Resistance through this war.

That hope carried her through the war, winning a few fights every now and then. She had someone only known as ' the traveler ' now on her side, who from General Gorou 's description, seemed capable to help the Resistance.

Kokomi's nerves were calmed for once, she could finally breathe, knowing she had extra help as she sat at her desk. Unexpectedly, a informant informed her of a fight had broken out between the Resistance and the Shogun's army.

The Resistance was losing to the Shogun's army, which was being led by Kujou Sara. Kokomi forced herself out of her seat, the informer pointed on the map specifically where the fight was taking place.


Kujou Sara held up her bow, getting into motion to fire it. Her finger keeping the arrow in place, aiming at her target, then she let the arrow go.

It flew through the air, striking her opponent straight in the heart. She watched them fall, before re-positioning her bow, preparing to strike again.

She striked again, watching the arrow piercing through another of the Resistance Soilder. She quickly wiped the blood of her face, good thing about having a far range weapon was that at least her clothes weren't soaked in blood.

The Shogun's army needed a win, which she would do anything to win today's fight. That's why when she spotted her beloved Kokomi on the other side of the battlefield her heart shattered.

She silently hoped that she would make it out of this fight alive, she kept an eye on Kokomi as she continued to fight, striking arrow after arrow at anyone except Kokomi. When she had to look away to focus on aiming a wave of anxiety would invade her chest, causing a sense of pressure.

Suddenly she felt her heart shattered as she watched an arrow fly through the sky, landing straight into Kokomi's chest. Her entire world froze, everyone on both sides seemed to freeze to.

All Sara could think was ' who shot Kokomi?'. Her hand shook, dropping her bow onto the sand, she made her way through the crowd of shocked soldiers.

She knealt down beside the wounded Kokomi, her knee dug into the sand as she shuffled to get a close look at kokomi's wound. Every time she tried to get a good look she heard a wince from her beloved Kokomi.

She gently grabbed Kokomi's fingers, interlocking them with hers. Kokomi looked up, her smile looked weak and tears streamed down her face.

Sara lowered her face down beside Kokomi's, giving her a small kiss on the lips. She whispered into Kokomi's ear, promising she would get her help.

Sara took one of her sleeves, ripping it a bit. Then, she took the cloth from her sleeve and took a deep breath, placing it on Kokomi's wound, making sure she didn't move the bow.

She snapped the attention of a Resistance soldier nearby.

" Do you have an medical tents around here?"

The soldier responded, offering to take her there. She thanked the soldier before bending down and picking up Kokomi, keeping one hand on the wound to apply pressure to stop any spreading of blood.


When they arrived, Sara rushed Kokomi into the tent, the doctor inside seemed frightened at the sight of Sara but immediately noticed the injured Kokomi. He asked Sara to leave the tent, she reluctantly agreed, stepping out of the tent until told she could re-enter.

A few hours had gone by, Sara gripped her knee as she sat on the grass near the tent, awaiting the news on Kokomi's health. Eventually, the doctor from earlier left the tent and motioned to Sara to enter the tent.

Her eyes lit up when she saw Kokomi, she rushed to her side to hug her, only to realize she was limp. Her body felt weightless, lifeless, her eyes were closed, her facial expression showed only pain, not her usual smile.

Sara felt tears form from her eyes, falling down onto the blanket covering Kokomi's now lifeless body. She heard the doctor leave the tent, most likely understanding how severe the situation was to Sara.

She tried to breathe, but the tears forming in her eyes came pouring down faster. Her throat closed up as she tried to call out Kokomi's name.


A few weeks had passed since the death of Kokomi, her burial was beautiful. The Sakoku Decree, as well as the Vision Hunt Decree, had been abolished, Sara told herself that Kokomi would be happy to hear about that.

She would visit almost daily, leaving flowers or other sentimental at Kokomi's grave. She would still cry whenever she visited Kokomi's grave, wishing she could have done something to help Kokomi.

But she knew Kokomi was watching over her, that she would be happy the war is finally over. Sara, teary eyed, placed her hand on Kokomi's tombstone, mumbling something.

' I love you '

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