Take a break| Lamber

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Take a break
No AU, but lots of fluff
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Lamber ( Layla x Amber my first rare pair yay!)

Layla's hand lazily traveled from line to line on the paper, in a tired state she was trying to rush to finish her work. She only had a page or two left, which slightly motivated her to quicken her work.

Now she only had a few lines left, she subconsciously started falling asleep, her handwriting becoming more sloppy. Her posture became more lazied, she let out  a yawn before giving into how tired she was, falling asleep on her desk.

Her hands lazily supporting her resting hand, her pen laying on the unfinished pile of paper. Layla had been sleeping for a few minutes, when someone knocked on her door, but Layla was in such a deep sleep this didn't wake her up.

Behind the door was Amber, fiddling with the keys, trying her best to stay quiet, knowing most likely Layla was inside, asleep. Once she managed to get the door open she checked to see if Layla was there, no doubt she was passed out at her desk.

She quietly entered the room, making sure the door was closed behind her. She then quickly changed into something more comfortable, before heading towards Layla, carefully picking her up from where she was.

Layla mumbled something, slightly moving her sleep. Amber hoped she was having a good dream, she had been working all day to Amber's knowledge and deserved some rest.

She placed placed Layla on the bed and covered her with a blanket, once she was sure Layla was comfy she re-stacked Layla's papers for when she woke up. She quickly gave up once she remembered she was not good at organization, never had been.

She placed the papers back into the original position and walked back over to where Layla was peacefully resting.
She laid down beside Layla, the blanket was big enough for both of them so she didn't have to worry about getting another one.

She noticed Layla seemed to become a bit distressed. So without waking her up, Amber cuddled up to Layla, hugging onto her.

Once Layla seemed calm, Amber leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead, making sure to not let go of her. Amber herself slowly starting falling asleep, Layla would occasionally move every now and then but seemed at ease now that Amber was there comforting her.

 Amber herself slowly starting falling asleep, Layla would occasionally move every now and then but seemed at ease now that Amber was there comforting her

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