Our final dance together| Eulamber

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Our final dance together
Angst, no comfort
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber )
This was originally posted on my Tumblr, kind of

The young aristocrat's hand rested gently on her lover's waist, carefully correcting Amber's dancing moves. While this meeting was supposed to be a simple dance lesson, it was in reality so much more then that.

Their eyes interlocked, neither of them dating to bring eye contact. The cryo wielder's hands felt cold on Amber's waist, cold but relaxing.

The world seemed to pause when the two were together, in their eyes they were the only two people who existed at the moment, their eyes fixated on one another. They shared a gaze, one that couldn't be mistaken as 'just girls being friend's'.

There was only one way to describe the way both of them looked at eachother. Love.

The rest of the outside world seemed muted, maybe that's why they didn't hear the footsteps that were approaching the two. Maybe that's why they didn't realize until it was too late.

' Eula what do you think you're doing!?'
Maybe then, if they weren't so enthralled with eachother, they could still be together.

Maybe Eula wouldn't have gotten slapped so hard as she was pulled away from Amber.
' So this is what you've been running off to do when you're supposed to be at dance lessons!'

Another slap, straight across her face, almost causing her to lose her balance.

' This is not what a young lady should be doing, this is shameful! You are bringing dishonor to the Lawrence family name!'

Maybe she shouldn't have looked behind her as she was being dragged away, the sight of a tearful Amber would be engraved in her mind. How she wished she could break free from her father's grip and comfort the only person she truly loved, but she couldn't.

What would other people think?
What would they think when they saw the youngest daughter of the Lawrence clan indulging in a secret romance between the future outrider of Mondsdadt.

The scandals that would cause.
Her parents would never let her live this down.

That night the table was eeriely silent, sharp looks were shot at the young aristocrat from all the family members present at the table.
Her plate remained untouched, she couldn't eat, not with the knot that was embedded in her throat, holding back her tears as she waited to be allowed to leave the table.

Maybe then, if only she was careful, maybe Amber would be hers. She held back tears again, just as she had done all those years as she watched the outrider give the traveler, who had arrived in Mondsdadt only a few weeks ago, the same look she would give Eula when they would dance.

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