Drunken confessions | Eulamber

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Drunken confessions
Slight angst, modern AU, fluff
ThatChongyunMain makes a special appearance in this chapter as person who tries to flirt with Amber
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber )

Amber regretted accepting Eula's invitation to go late night drinking. She had picked ' Angel's Share', Amber had been there a handful of times but wasn't necessarily a big fan of.

They had only only been there for an hour at the most, but Eula was already drunk. Holding onto her cup she had only taken a sip of, Amber felt as though she was being watched.

But she was in a bar, one that was well known in Mondsdat, so of course there would be drunk people there but she didn't expect to catch anyone's eye. Eula had walked away to use the bathroom, reality sunk in that Amber was by herself.

Feeling herself freeze up once she felt someone tapping on her shoulder. Turning around she was shocked to see it was not a creepo but a girl around her age.

The girl, who had a black wolf cut and was wearing a Nirvana T-shirt as well as a cinnamon-roll jacket and baggy pants, sat down beside Amber. That was where Eula had been sitting at, 'Eula isn't gonna be happy about this' Amber thought to herself.

The girl immediately attempted to flirt with Amber, which Amber had to admit was kind of working. She had never been treated like this by another person, she felt kind of special.

She was so enchanted by the other girl that she didn't hear Eula return, completely outraged once she realized what was happening. She let out a gasp when she felt Eula hold her head up by her chin, Eula's eyes on Amber.

" Is she bothering you?" Eula asked Amber, " No she's not." Amber replied, trying to be as calm as possible as to not escalate the situation. Eula scoffed, the girl Amber was flirting with noticed this, rolling their eyes the girl got up and wrote something down on a piece of paper.

" Call me " they said as they got up, leaving Amber and Eula alone. " Who was she?" Eula asked, taking back her seat next to Amber. " I don't know, they gave me their number though." Amber said, holding up the piece of paper the stranger gave her.

" Are you gonna text them?" " Yeah!" "Why?" " Because they seem nice!" Eula let out a sigh as she got back up from her seat. " Where are you going?" Amber asked, a hint of concern in her voice. " Home" " Your to drunk to go back home by yourself let me help you."

Eula tried to stop Amber but all her protests were ignored, Amber supported Eula on her shoulder and helped her walk to where the cashier was. Eula took her card out and paid for both her's and Amber's drinks. This took Amber by surprise, " You didn't have to do that I can pay for myself!" "You only had one drink I have more then enough money to pay for your drink."

Amber didn't try to argue back and walked Eula out of the bar, she remembered exactly where Eula's house was as so she headed in that direction. When they arrived she helped Eula get to her room, leaving the room to give her some privacy to change.

As she waited she remembered the stranger who had given her their number, taking her phone out she typed the number into her contacts and messaged the stranger.

' Is this the stranger from the bar?" She typed out, a few minutes went by and she had no response so she slipped her phone into the pockets of the shorts she were wearing. Realizing Eula should be changed by now she went to the door of Eula's room and opened the door.

Luckily she was right, Eula was changed and had passed out on her bed. Amber let out a sigh of relief and left the room, sitting on Eula's couch knowing Eula would probably need some help when she woke up.

Amber mindlessly scrolled on her phone for a few hours when she heard rustling noises from Eula's room. Getting up, making sure to get Eula a bottle of water from the fridge, Amber went in to check on Eula.

Eula was sitting on her bed, looking a bit irritated. Amber handed the bottle to Eula who took a few sips before closing the cap on top and placing it on her nightstand.

" Amberrr come sit down with me." A drunk Eula said, Amber took a seat beside Eula who immediately snuck her arm around the brunette's wait.

" Eula what are you doing-" Amber was shushed by a kiss from Eula. Her eyes widened, she did have a crush on Eula for a few years now and she had wanted to do things with Eula but she couldn't right now.

Eula was drunk and she was sober, she couldn't. " Eula I can't your drunk." Was all Amber could mutter out before Eula went in for another kiss.

Luckily for Amber after that Eula fell back asleep. She took this as the time to process what had just happened, did her crush, her best friend, just kiss her?

She waited for Eula to wake up again, a bit embarrassed but she knew it was best to tell Eula what had happened.
When morning came and Eula had woken up, a very exhausted Amber had to awkwardly explained what happened.

" I kissed you? I'm so sorry Amber!"
" It's fine Eula," Amber smiled, giving Eula a kiss on her forehead, " I didn't mind."

Amber felt her phone buzz in her pocket, but she ignored it, her main focus right now was Eula. She watched Eula's face turn a bright red.

" You didn't mind?" She asked, her embarrassment apparent as she spoke. "No Eula I didn't mind." Amber pulled Eula in for a kiss, getting her approval beforehand of course.

" Amber I think I like you." Eula said once she pulled apart from the kiss, "Never would have guessed." Amber jokingly said, Eula giggled a bit at Amber's joking sarcasm.

Amber laughed a bit to, before realizing how tired she was. Eula offered to let Amber sleep at her place which Amber gladly accepted, plopping herself onto Eula's huge bed and quickly falling asleep.

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