Swimming | Yantao

145 3 35

A tad bit suggestive, modern au
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao )

No this is not the Yantao angst, I got inspired by something and had to write this. If you know me personally do not read this chapter, please and thank youu.

Hu Tao was excited to go swimming with her girlfriend, mostly because it was so hot that even she, despite having a pyro vision, couldn't bear it. Since she couldn't find her swimsuit, she simply put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, slipping her phone and house keys into her pocket before leaving.

The pool Yanfei asked to meet her at was only a few minutes away so she could just walk there. When she arrived she was shocked to see how there was really no one there, only her and Yanfei, it was just the two of them.

Hu Tao put her keys and phone in Yanfei's bag and waited patiently for Yanfei to go to the changing rooms and change into her swimsuit. While she waited she couldn't help but let her thoughts run crazy, 'what would Yanfei look like in a swimsuit?'.

And when Yanfei stepped out of the changing room she did not disappoint, though Hu Tao would love anything if Yanfei was wearing it. It was a light pink two piece with a chest window with nicely tied drawstrings.

Hu Tao quickly realized she had been staring for too long and quickly looked away, her face was bright pink and she knew Yanfei could tell. Yanfei laughed a bit before leading Hu Tao into the pool.

The two took their time making their way into the deeper parts, Hu Tao stayed back while Yanfei went a let further. She got distracted by a butterfly flying past the pool that she didn't realize a certain someone was behind her, dragged out of her thoughts by two arms wrapping around her waist.

She froze, she knew who it was obviously it was Yanfei but what was she doing? 'Yanyan?'

'Why are you staying in the shallow area? Afraid to get wet? Cause you definitely weren't a few nights ago Tao.'

One of Yanfei's hands started going a bit farther up, getting dangerously close to Tao's chest.
' Hm?' Fei muttered, almost in a teasing matter.

Eventually she pulled away, not before giving Hu Tao a small wink which let Hu Tao know there was more to come then that later.

This was short but I got inspired by a little something and had to write this.

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