Why is my food so cute?Part 2 | Yantao

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Why is my food so cute? Part 2
Vampire Fei, Modern AU
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao)
This is kind of cringe but I wanted to finish this so beware.
If you know me in real life don't read this.

I was HEAVILY influenced by the 'Carmilla' book

" You what?!" Xingqiu practically shouted when Hu Tao explained what had happened last night. " Did you get her number?" Xiangling chimed in.

" I gave her my number, she wasn't there when I woke up." And right on cue, her phone buzzed, informing her she had a new message. " I don't know, the whole meeting someone in those woods kinda seems off." Chongyun said, breaking the anticipation in the air as Hu Tao opened the message to see who it was from.

Everyone ignored Chongyun, watching Hu Tao read the message. " It's her!" Hu Tao basically shouted in excitement.

She typed a message back and then slid her phone into her pocket. She didn't get another reply, so she focused her attention back on to her friends and the topic changed until the sun had setted and the group decided it was best to leave.


All throughout the week, Yanfei and Hu Tao had been messaging each other back and forth. Sometimes as Hu Tao tried to focus on any extra work she would have to take home from her job she would catch herself getting distracted by her thoughts on Yanfei.

It had gotten so bad that Hu Tao craved to see Yanfei again and just to her luck Yanfei seemed to think the same way. She had invited the other over to her house, despite it being in the definitely not haunted forest Hu Tao was eager to see Yanfei again.


The feeling of longing seemed returned when Yanfei immediately pulled Hu Tao in for a hug the minute Hu Tao stepped foot into her house. During that hug Hu Tao caught a glimpse of Yanfei's two oddly sharp teeth, they resembled fangs.

But Hu Tao brushed it aside, maybe she just had naturally sharp teeth or maybe they were teeth implants. Any thoughts regarding Yanfei's strangely sharp teeth were gone when Hu Tao felt the other gently grab her hand.

" Are you alright? You seemed to zone out a bit." A seemingly concerned Yanfei asked. But Hu Tao couldn't form a response, her thoughts were distracted by the red liquid on Yanfei's lips.

" What's that?" Hu Tao mumbled, it was low enough to where Yanfei couldn't hear what she had said.

" Nothing, I'm fine."

There was an awkward tension in the air for a few minutes, finally being broken by Yanfei asking Hu Tao if she wanted to watch a movie.

" Sure, can it be horror?" Hu Tao replied. Yanfei seemed a bit off with the idea of watching a horror movie.

" I don't know horror movies give me nightmares."
" You can sleep with me then so you won't get nightmares." Hu Tao teasingly pulled Yanfei into the living room, remembering the way there from her last visit.

" Fine. " Yanfei mumbled, giving into Hu Tao's demands to watch a horror movie. Happily, Hu Tao snatched the remote and sat on the couch, motioning for Yanfei to sit beside her.

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