Let me help you | Eimiko

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Let me help you
No AU, Angst, fluff
Requested by SocksXKNX
Eimiko ( Ei x Yae Miko)
Their already married in this.
Ei has a panic attack in this chapter, I used my own experiences and did some research to write this chapter.

Ei abruptly woke up in a cold sweat, another nightmare infiltrated her dreams. She looked beside her, seeing her wife was still sound asleep, her beautiful pink hair spread out against her pillow.

She took a deep breath, which came out in a stutter. Her hands shook as she pulled the blanket off of herself, quietly getting up as to not wake up Miko.

She slowly walked out of their bedroom, heading to the living room and positioning herself on the couch. Her head resting on the couch's arm rest as she was left with her own thoughts.

She felt tears form in her eyes, as the memories of her nightmare came rushing at her. Her breathing became shaky, her crying formed lumps in her throat, maming it difficult to breathe.

She clung onto a pillow on the couch, shaking as a wave of anxiety crashed over her. She was shocked when she felt someone stroking her back.

" There there Ei, it'll all be alright."

Miko's reassuring voice stated from beside Ei, attempting to comfort the anxious Ei.


The lumps in her throats hurt whenever she tried to talk, she winced a bit. Miko shushed her, explaining how to calm down.

" Regulate your breathing, slow, steady breathing. Can you do that for me?"

Ei nodded, taking slow breaths of air, the entire time Miko stroked Ei's side, comforting her as she tried to calm down. She was able to breathe normally again, but her voice was still shaky.

" Your so strong Ei. You managed to got through that perfectly."

Ei blushed, mumbling a ' thank you' to her wife.

" I'll get you a warm drink, maybe some heated dango milk. How does that sound?"

Ei smiled, hugging Miko who sat beside her.

" Yes that would sound nice."

Miko got up, making her way to the kitchen. Ei grabbed a blanket that was draped over the couch, wrapping herself in it, finally fully calming down.

A few minutes later Miko returned with a cup of warm milk, she placed it on the coffee table beside the couch. Ei pushed herself up, sitting straight up, and grabbed the warm dango milk, taking small sips.

" Wanna talk about it?"

Ei stopped sipping on her drink, tapping one of her fingers on the glass cup, debating if she should or shouldn't. She took a deep breath, placing the cup back on the table Miko had placed it on.

Turning around to face Miko, she began explaining what had happened, Miko reassuringly holding her hands as she spoke, stroking the top of her hands with one of her fingers.

" I had a nightmare about Makoto.."
" Go on, what happened in the dream?"
" Well, it was a flashback to the day she died."
" Continue."
" I woke up, you were beside me, asleep. I didn't want to wake you up so I went to the living room and then."

Ei tapped her hand on her leg, not knowing how to finish the sentence. But Miko understood, reaching out she wrapped her arms around her wife, pulling her in for a hug.

Ei buried her face into Miko's shoulder, crying again. Trying to comfort her, Miko sat there and let her cry into her shoulder.

When she pulled from the hug tears stained her face, her purple eyes had clear drops of water falling from them. Miko left a small kiss on Ei's forehead, before getting up and handing Ei's milk back to her.

Ei quickly finished the dango milk, getting up and placing the empty glass in the kitchen sink. A yawn escaped her mouth, Miko giggled, holding her hand out, suggesting she wanted Ei to grab it.

" Let's get you back to sleep."

The only response Ei could muster was a nod followed by another yawn. Miko led them back to their room, then making sure Ei was comfortable before she laid down beside her.

Running her fingers through Ei's beautiful purple hair till she felt asleep. When Ei finally fell asleep, Miko curled up beside her, peacefully falling asleep in her wife's arms.

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