A writer's muse | Xingyun

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A writer's muse
Modern AU, Fluff
Xingyun ( Xingqiu x Chongyun)

I love writing silly stories about them but I keep fighting the idea of making angst for them, should I do it?

Crumpling the sheets of paper on his desk, Xingqiu sighed, nothing was striking his brain as he re-read his drafts. He was never one to get bothered, but this was his greatest passion, and for the most part he wanted it to appeal to him, but looking over his ideas nothing hit.

What does anyone in the arts or literary field do when they were lacking inspiration? He asked himself solemnly, he didn't have a bucket load of trauma to string inspiration from and his brain wasn't operating normally today to pull some New York Times worthy story that would satisfy what he was searching for,

'What am I looking for.' He whispered to himself, he was startled by the sound of his phone ringing in his pocket, even though he was sure he had put it on do not disturb.

'Please help I think I might have accidentally actually poisoned Chongyun. He's passed out on my kitchen floor and he looks like he's seen a ghost! Please help!' A string of texts from Xiangling read, Xingqiu was concerned in his choice of friends.

When he arrived he was greeted with exactly what Xiangling had said, poor Chongyun looked like he had seen something, something worse then The Human Centipede. Both Xiangling and Xingqiu helped get Chongyun off the kitchen floor and lay him on the couch, next the turned the AC on to help cool Chongyun. 

As Chongyun slept, Xingqiu couldn't help but stare at Chongyun. Inspiration was making it's way into Xingqiu's mind, a powerful exorcist who is respected by many meets his end through a poisoned spicy dish. 

Xingqiu quickly left and sent a quick text to Chongyun 'Your near death experience has inspired me, love you.' He was wearing socks so it wasn't gay.

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