How long will it take you to stop loving me? | Eimiko

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How long will it take you to stop loving me?
Angst, Fluff
Requested by SocksXKNX
Eimiko ( Ei x Yae Miko )

Her thoughts pestered her as she stood in front of the Grand Narukami Shrine, where the Guuji was her dearest friend, Yae Miko. The shrine maidens seemed a bit nervous that the Electro Archon had payed a visit to the shrine, but they all knew who she was here for.

It was not secret that the two were close, the shrine maidens would gossip in their free time about the two, only to be caught by Yae herself who would neither admit nor deny the maiden's rumors. Ei has overheard the maidens, only to be teased by Miko when she confronted her about them.

With all of this going on Ei questioned herself, 'how could someone like Yae Miko love her?' This was the same question she would ask herself at night before she fell asleep or whenever she stood in front of the shrine while she waited for Miko so the two could spend time together or discuss current events taking place in Inazuma.

Her worries were brushed to the side when she spotted the Kitsune who was making her way towards Ei. She felt her heart beating in her chest, but played calm and greeted her friend as usual.

She felt the same thoughts she had earlier creep back up when the Kitsune smiled back at her. Trying to focus on what Miko was saying, something about how her book sales weren't doing as good as usual ever since a new book came out, but those thoughts of not being good enough clouded Ei's thoughts.

Miko quickly realized Ei wasn't paying attention to what she was saying, her expression gave away to Miko that something was wrong, something was troubling Ei. Propping her fingers on the archon's forehead, Miko flicked her fingers. Ei's eyes widened and she seemed a bit embarrassed, " Sorry what were you saying?"

Ei tilted her head, awaiting a response. " Don't be coy Ei, what's troubling you?" Miko's tone seemed more worried then usual, a hint of concern in her words.

" Nothing's wrong, continue you what you were saying." Ei forced a smile on her face, trying to assure her friend that she is okay.

Still concerned, the Kitsune took Ei's hands, placing them in hers, " Don't lie to me Ei, something is clearly upsetting you. "

She said, gesturing to the now purple sky, " Whenever something is upsetting you this normally happens." Taking a few deep breaths Ei pondered how to respond, a bit flustered by how close Miko was.

One of Miko's hands grabbed a loose strand of Ei's hair, gently tucking it behind one of her ears. " The rumors," Ei said, her voice quiet as she continued on, " they had me thinking."

" Ei don't worry about some rumors." She tried to sound as genuine as possible, a reassuring smile plastered onto her face. But that's when it struck her, why were the rumors bothering her and what rumors were specifically bothering het?

" Not to be nosey but what rumors and why are they bothering you?" She had to know how she could help her, maybe she could possibly shut down these rumors if they were truly as bad as it seemed. " The rumors the shrine maidens have been spreading around."

That's when it hit Miko, a soft giggle escaped her lips as she spoke. " Ei why ever would that trouble you?" Her eyes darted around, avoiding eye contact as she decided what she should say.

" Can we go somewhere more.. private?" The archon seemed genuinely a bit startled, only bringing back Miko's need to find out what's troubling her. Nodding, she gathered up all the shrine maidens, excusing them for the day, taking Ei into the shrine, to her room specifically, once she was sure all the maidens had left.


" Back to what we were discussing." the Kitsune said as she handed the anxious woman sitting beside her a cup of tea she had prepared, using dango milk instead of regular milk.
" Why are the rumors stressing you out?"

Ei quickly finished her tea and began speaking, " I know this is going to sound stupid, but they had me thinking what if we actually could be a.."

Her mind frantically searched for the word she was looking for, " A couple? Is that what you mean Ei?" Miko's words perfectly described what Ei was thinking, a couple, yes, that's what she wanted to be with Miko. She wanted a relationship with her acquaintance who she had known for well over 500 years.

Simply nodding, the words she said next forcing their way out of her mouth. " I have liked you for some time and wondered if it was possible, but-" She was interrupted by a kiss from the Kitsune herself, a soft kiss on her lips to shush her.

" Silly Ei, of course I'd love to." A stupid grin replaced the usual smirk the Kitsune had. " But what if I'm not good enough, how long would it take me to mess up? How long would it take you for you to stop loving me?"

Miko patted the top of Ei's head, her smooth fingers running through the archon's purple hair that cascaded down her back. " I will love you for all of eternity Ei, never could you mess up big enough to make me not love you."

Her reassuring words were like music to Ei's ears, slightly more comforted by the reassurance from Miko, she pulled her into a hug. " Are you sure, no matter what stupid things I do?" She questioned, whispering into Miko's ear.

" You've done some stupid stuff before and I still love you though." Miko said, pulling away from the hug and planting a kiss on the top of Ei's head.

" I love you Ei, no matter what."

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