Pink carnations| eimiko

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Pink Carnations
Angst, Hanahaki
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Eimiko ( Ei x Yae Miko)

Ei never suspected someone like Yae Miko would leave her like this, gripping onto a bucket to catch the flowers she coughed up.
She used one hand to clench her chest where the pain originated from, her lungs.

She wiped a few of the petals on het mouth into the bucket and took a minute to catch her breath.
Once the coughing had conceded she threw the petals away, watching the blush pink petals fall into the trash can.

Once that was done, she held onto her bed to support herself, another shock of pain in her chest making her tighten the grip.
She clenched her teeth, trying her best to not cry out from the pain.

She silently cussed herself out, remembering she had a meeting with the Guuji of the Narukami Shrine.
She quickly got ready, though it was a bit hard, the most simple of movements reminded the Electro Archon of the pressure in her chest.

Once done, she quickly left, doing her best to ignore the growing pain in her chest.

When she arrived at the shrine she kept an eye out for the Guuji.
She spotted one of the shrine maidens and approached her.

" Hello?"
" Oh Miss Shogun hi!"
" No need for the formalities."

The maiden blushed a bit, gripping onto the broom she was holding.

" Of course, I'm assuming your here to see Miss Guuji?"

Ei nodded, trying to keep calm as she felt the pressure in her lungs intense.
The shrine maiden smiled and pointed towards the direction of the sacred sakura tree.

Ei quickly thanked the shrine maiden and walked in that direction.
Almost immediately she spotted Yae, discussing something with a shrine maiden.

She waited for the two to finish their conversation and walked to stand beside Yae, who's eyes were fixated on the tree.

" Miko?"
" Hm?
" Why did you want to meet with me?"
" Simple enough Ei, some of your guards informed me of your condition."

She tensed up at the realization, the pressure in her chest making itself more known.
She felt out for something to hold onto, only to feel Yae scoop her up into her arms.

" Miko!"
" Hm?"
" Why did you do that!"
" Isn't it obvious Ei? Your obviously on the urge of passing out you can't stand on your own."

She huffed, a bit flustered, but didn't say anything else.
She suddenly felt the pressure intensify as she coughed up more pink petals that fell into her palm.

" Don't tell anyone..please"
" Who?"
" Who is it that you like?"
" What do you mean?"
" This is a case of Hanahaki, most certainly."

Ei hesitated for a minute, uncertain of what to do.
She brushed the petals off of her, watching as the slowly fell onto the ground, matching the pink petals of the Sakura tree the two were standing under.

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