Eternity with you, my archon| Eimiko

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Eternity with you, my archon
Angst, but mostly fluff
Eimiko ( Ei x Yae Miko )
No one requested this, I just wanted to write an Eimiko chapter
Mentions of death, kind of?

Yae loved her archon, she really did, but she could see her precious Ei slowly deteriorate from all the pressure she was under at the moment.
Miko felt for Ei, after the death of her sister, her friends and losing everything and almost everyone that was close to her, she closed herself off from society as a result.

She longed for the attention of her beloved archon.
So, the minute the Archon started trying to make amends for everything she had done the Guuji knew she had to see Ei.


After Ei and the traveler had fought and Ei admitted defeat, the traveler excused themselves.
Now Ei and Miko were left all alone, normally the Kitsune would use this to her advantage but the two hadn't seen each other in a while, personal desires could wait a while.

Almost immediately Yae hugged the archon, wrapping her arms around her neck and embracing in a warm hug.

Ei laughed and the Guuji shushed her by placing one of her fingers on the archon's soft lips.
" We need to talk."
She said, in a sudden - serious tone, the nervous archon nodded at the Kitsune's sudden demands and obligated.


The two were sitting on the Kitsune's bed, reminiscing a bit on what had happened during their 500 year long separation.
The archon laying on Miko's lap as she brushed through her long, now unbraided, purple hair.
The conversation came to the end and they sat there in silence, only now realizing how much they had missed each other.

When out of nowhere Yae interrupted the silence.
" Was it worth it?"
She abruptly stated, in a cold manner.
The archon slightly, ashamed slightly, but to her it was all worth it.

Well, that's what she thought but now that the one she loved the most was confronting her she actually thought about it.
Was it?
Miko interrupted Ei's thinking by re-stating her question.
" Was it worth it?"

Ei shook her head, but that wasn't good enough for Yae.
She grabbed the bottom of the archon's chin and held it up.
" Say it, was it worth it?"

" I guess not.."
The Kitsune smirked and let go of the Archon's chin, but she was far from done with her questions.
" Why?"
Ei tilted her head, thinking long and hard about the question.

She was ashamed of what she had done, even more ashamed then before now that Miko was confronting her about her actions.
" For Makoto."
She weakly said, the Kitsune sighed.
" But would Makoto want you to close yourself off from society? Neglect your people? Neglect yourself?"

Ei stiffened, and shook her head.
Yae would rather her say it herself but she decided not to push her limits.
She knew how sensitive Ei could be sometimes, especially with subjects like her sister.
As Ei opened up a little bit Miko felt her tense up a little bit when she talked about Makoto.

Once Miko was satisfied with her explanation she gently cupped Ei's face into her hands and lifted her up s little, the two now eye to eye.
She pulled Ei in and gave her a small kiss on the side of her face.
She felt the archon's skin warm up a little bit at the Kitsune's sign of affection.

Yae loved the fact that she could make the Electro Archon, the one who many feared, tense up at her touch.
And normally the sly Kitsune would use this to her advantage but she didn't want to ruin the moment.

Miko had multiple things she still wanted to discuss with her, but this was a special moment between the two.
She felt Ei lay back down and cuddle back up to her side before falling asleep.

She relaxed as well, left alone with her thoughts as Ei napped she felt at peace.
She wasn't one to be ' lovey dovey ' with people but, she would risk anything just for the archon who was cuddled up beside her.

For eternity, she wishes to be with Ei, no matter what.

( Apologies if this chapter isn't that good I didn't really have a plan for it, I hope it was some what enjoyable.)

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