Take care of yourself |Eulamber

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Take care of yourself
Requested by espressodepresso1a
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber)
Light angst, fluff, soft Eula

The storm terror crisis was finally over, everyone could finally relax. Well, everyone except the Outrider, Amber.

She was tasked with checking certain areas around Mondsdat, to make sure there were no more threats from the abyss lurking around. Which required a lot of on-foot traveling, though Amber was very active, with the amount of work she had been given the amount of walking, running and gliding she had to do would tire anyone in Teyvat.

Despite the amount of work her job now required, Amber unknowingly started tiring herself with all the work she was picking up along with her usual Outrider duties. The only one who really seemed to notice was the Renaissance Captain, Eula who was also dating Amber.

She quickly realized something was wrong when she invited Amber out to eat, noticing how the outrider had seemed more tired these past few days, how her eyes would lightly droop, like she was fighting the urge to fall asleep. Whenever Eula questioned the Outrider about this, she would always insist she was fine.

It ate away at Eula mentally, seeing Amber this way. So, as she finished up her duties as the Reconnaissance Captain one day, she finally decided enough was enough and she would make Amber take better care of herself.

But coincidentally enough, as Eula was heading back to Mondsdat, Amber had picked up a new mission that wouldn't take her to long. When she asked Jean if anything was available, the Grand Acting Master seemed hesitant at first.

Her hand lingered over the pile of requests stacked on her desks, but after many ' I'm fine Jean I got this!' from Amber, Jean gave in and assigned Amber to clear up a hillichurl camp near one of the 4 temples. Which on a normal day should have been easy for Amber, but with every arrow she shot she could feel a sting of pain in her shoulders.

Throwing one last baron bunny and watching it kill off the last of the hillichurls in the camp, Amber slumped down onto a rock for a minute to take a quick break. Only then did she realize how sore her legs felt and how walking back to Mondsdat would be a pain, she could glide back but once again her gliding license had been provoked.

Preparing herself for the tiring journey back, Amber forced herself up from the rock, her legs stinging with every move she made. This was not going to be a fun journey back to Mondsdat for the outrider.


After the walk back to the gates of Mondsdat, which was longer then it should have been, Amber almost instantly spotted the familiar outline of the Reconnaissance captain. Who looked a bit different to Amber, she looked like she was deep in thought.

Carefully, Amber approached Eula, once she was closer to Eula she noticed Eula snap back to reality, instantly looking at the outrider. Eula took a quick glance at Amber and almost immediately noticed Amber had yet again, overworked herself.

Small bruises and scars covered her legs, which was normal for Amber, but these wounds were untreated. Without warning, Eula picked up Amber bridal-style and began walking into Mondsdat.

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