Magic doesn't fix everything| Eulamber

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Magic doesn't fix everything
Hanahaki, fantasy au, angst
Requested by ThatChongyunMain
Eulamber ( Eula x Amber )
The Lawrence clan is more of a monarchy, so Eula is a princess in this.
Amber has Hanahaki and she's an elf, cue the fantasy au.

Amber's ears perked up as she sat next to the princess, hiding from the eyes of her caretakers.
When put of nowhere Amber heard the breathing from the princess become more stuttered and she seemed off about something.
Worried, she comfortingly grabbed her hands, comforting the princess until she broke the news.
Her parents had a new suitor for her, now she didn't hate the guy but this was to big of a rush for her.

Amber, though distraught by this news offered her friend her undying support.

A few days later, Amber is walking through the forest, sneaking towards the castle to see if she can find Eula to hang out with her.
She approached a bush and quickly hid once she noticed Eula was with a man.
The elf peaked her head, careful not to poke herself on the pokey bushes, watched as the man talked with Eula.
And that's when she caught the man exchange a kiss with Eula.

She felt her pointy ears droop as she came to the realization who that man was.
That was the man Eula was arranged to marry in a few weeks.
Though she was happy for her friend who had seemingly found love she couldn't ignore the tugging feeling at her heart as she walked off.

That night, Amber has curled up with a blanket on her bed, trying to sleep, when she felt a scratching feeling in her throat.
She firmly got up and made herself a cup of tea and before she could even get a little sip in she cupped her hands over her mouth as she coughed.

When she removed her hands from her face her noticed the blue petals facing back at her.
Standing there in fear, she took a few deep breaths in and quickly grabbed her cup as she rushed back to her room.
She made a mental note to go to a medic tomorrow and calmed herself down by drinking some of the tea.
Though it was hard to sleep dye to the itchy feeling in her throat she managed to fall asleep somehow.

That morning she changed from her nightgown she wore the previous night into a simple red dress with poofy white sleeves, she grabbed a bag to put some of the petals in to show the doctor and stuffed it into one of her dress'es pockets.
Once she arrived at the small place the medic, Lisa, a witch who was experienced in potions and ointments lived she knocked.

She heard shuffling and then the door opened, Lisa stood there, smiling and holding a small mug and motioned for the elf to come inside.
Once inside she was handed a tea and showed to a small couch beside a fireplace.
" Excuse me, please sit here for a few minutes and then I can help you."
Lisa warmly said before she rushed into a different room.

A few minutes later she came back into the room and took a seat on the couch beside Amber who had already finished her tea and put it on the small table beside the couch.
" Now, what's bothering you today?"
Lisa questioned, Amber responded by explaining the events of last night and handed the bag to Lisa.
Lisa immediately looked worried as she excused herself as she rushed into another room.

When she returned she handed Amber a written piece of paper labeling her diagnosis
' Hanahaki '.
Amber sat there, reading the definition of the disease and immediately looked worried.
Nervously the witch approached her and sat back down beside her.
" I'm assuming it's Eula?"
Amber slowly nodded her head and Lisa continued on.
" Do you know what you want to do?"

Amber shrugged her shoulders, Lisa sadly smiled and handed the elf a bottle filled with a clear liquid.
" Right now take one sip before you go to sleep, it'll hold back the symptoms and when it gets worse come back. "
Amber nodded and left Lisa's house, still processing the news she had just received.

As time went on the symptoms increased and every time Amber would try to see Eula she would be reminded of how she felt.
Three weeks passed by since her visit with Lisa and she was cuddled up on her couch, her lungs felt pierced from the thorns and the petals had been painted in a crimson blood the clotted into dark reds.

As she sat there, wondering what her choices are she heard knocking coming from her door.
She slowly got up and inched towards the door before pealing through the peak hole.
Standing there was a disheveled Eula, quickly Amber opened the door and ushered for the princess to come inside.
Once inside the two were sitting at Amber's table and Amber could feel her throat being clawed out but kept a straight face.
" So Amber, apologies for not spending time with you, I assume you remember my arranged marriage I informed you about?"

Amber quickly nodded, awaiting for the rest of Eula's explanation.
" It turns out he, well to put it lightly is not a good person."
Amber felt saddened by Eula's worse, but before she could get another word in she was interrupted.
" Apologies if this sounds absurd but he found out that I don't like him and instead like.."
Eula paused, choosing her words wisely.
" He found out I like you."

Eula said, motioning towards the elf sitting across from her.
Amber knew Eula to be blunt with her words and be straightforward when she wants something but this was shocking to the elf.

Amber felt her face warm up and covered her face.
Eula laughed at Amber's reaction, Amber quickly fixed her posture after Eula's laugh.
" A bit straightforward don't you think?"
Amber said in a joking manner, Eula laughed again and smiled at the girl who sat in front of her.
Instead of saying anything Eula slid her hand into Amber's hand and giggled slightly as Amber turned ten different shades of red.
Instead of a stabbing pain in her chest she now felt flustered as Eula continued teasing the poor elf.
" It took you a while didn't it?"
Amber said after Eula had stopped and the two were now drinking of some tea now seated on Amber's couch.

" Took me a while to what?"
Eula responded, quote puzzled by Amber's words.
" To confess."
Amber said as she lated down to rest he head on Eula's lap.
" So are you gonna go back there or did you pull some strings"
Eula paused at bers question and waited a bit before responding.
" My parents decided they didn't want a person like me to rule the thrown so their looking for a replacement, don't know how their gonna do that."

Amber felt Eula playing with her hair as she talked about what had happened.
She felt sorry for her but was happy Eula finally had some freedom.
As they laid there, neither of them said a word and just enjoyed each other's silence.

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