Dying in your arms | Ganqing

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Dying in your arms
Angst, No comfort
Ganqing ( Ganyu x Keqing )

Someone is gonna die in this chapter, if that makes you feel uneasy please skip this chapter :).

The body in her arms felt limp, cold, lifeless. It wasn't like that a few minutes ago, at least Ganyu thought it was a few minutes ago.

How long had she been sitting there? How long had the lifeless body of Keqing been laying in her arms?

She looked down, staring into the once sparkling eyes of Keqing, now they were dull and empty. There was no expression on her face, it was simply blank.

'Why'd you leave me?' Ganyu quietly whispered, her fingers lingering on the side of Keqing's face. Her face felt cold, it was normally warm but now it was just cold.

It was supposed to be a normal day, Ganyu and Keqing planned on enjoying the day together since Ningguang practically forced Ganyu to take the day off and Keqing also requested the day off. There wasn't much to their plans, maybe just a simple walk around Liyue together and going somewhere for dinner.

But that would never happen, Keqing would be dead the next day, laying in Ganyu's arms when she took her last breath. Ganyu was the one to find Keqing, it took Ganyu a minute to register what she was seeing.

There were multiple wounds adoring Keqing and the perpetrator was nowhere to be seen. When she approached Keqing, she carefully lifted up her up.

That was when she felt it, it was faint but she could feel a pulse. There was a quick minute of hope within Ganyu, she walked as fast as she could, carrying Keqing in her arms.

But that hope didn't last long.

The color drained from her face when the body she was carrying went limp. Immediately she tried to search for a pulse again, but there was nothing, nothing at all.

She was dead.
Ganyu stood there, unsure of what to do now, felt like she would sink into the earth and disappear.

The person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, the person who worked so hard every day for Liyue, was now dead in her arms, was now gone.

Gone forever.
Just gone.

There was nothing she could do, nothing to help.

Sorry this is really short I didn't know exactly what to do with this chapter.

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