Glaze Lilies and Confessions | Ganqing

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Glaze Lilies and Confessions
Medieval Au, Again, Hanahaki
Ganqing ( Ganyu x Keqing )
Requested by ThatChongyunMain

The royal guard, Keqing, was head over heels in love with the princess of the modest village she was raised in.
When Keqing was little she would watch in admiration whenever Ganyu's parents would allow her to visit the village.

And that's what inclined the stubborn women to apply for a position at the castle, but she didn't expect to get such a high ranking position and be able to spend as much time as she was able to with the princess.
Though she tried her best to stay professional she couldn't help but melt at the touch of the princess or whenever she would hear her sweet voice call out for Keqing or whenever she was talking to anyone else.

Which, due to Keqing's luck, had caused the poor knight to develop a disease known as ' Hanahaki '.
Thanks to one of her friends when she was younger studying things like this and talking her head off about it, she knew what was to be expected.

But she continued on with her work, trying her best to ignore how the petals of a beautiful glaze lilly forced themselves out of her throat.
As her conditioned worsened, her love grown and she noticed the princess would specifically request her whenever she needed the assistance of a knight.
Though Keqing brushed it off, she was one of the most high ranking knights of course the princess would want what's best available to her.

One night specifically, Keqing returned from patrols and half way down the corridor to her room she felt her chest tense up and petals forced their way out of her sore throat.
She clinched her chest and winced in pain as more petals forced their way out of her.

She took a deep breath on and rushed as quickly as she could to her room, leaving a trail of glaze lilies behind her unbeknownst to her.
Once in her room she prepared for the worst of it as more petals, now coated in a bloody red forced themselves out of her throat.

While this was all going down Ganyu decided a night time stroll wouldn't hurt her.
She quickly put on some slippers, that were surprising comfy, and left her room, once she approached the corridor leading to a few of the worker's rooms she noticed a trail of glaze lilies.

Ganyu loved flowers, she loved them so much her father would hire only the best of gardeners for the princess.
So to no one's shock she carefully followed them until they stopped in front of the head knight's room.

Ganyu gently opened the door, making sure to not make any noises and was horrified by what she saw.
The head knight was surrounded in a pool of flowers.

Ganyu rushed to the royals knight side who seemed absolutely exhausted.
She picked her up, bridal style, and placed the knight onto her bed.
Keqing was to out of it to notice who was caring for her and slowly fell asleep.

As Keqing slept, Ganyu stayed by her side and pushed the petals into a small bag as well as making a mental note to ask the cleaners to discretely clean the trail tomorrow and not report this to her parents.

Ganyu never noticed until now how beautiful the head knight was.
Her lilac purple hair and almost everything about her made the princess feel ways she shouldn't be feeling.
But she couldn't help it and was honestly embarrassed by her own thoughts.

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