Why are you up so late?| Farulayla

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Why are you up so late?
No AU, just farulayla
Requested by Merlin_TheWitch
Farulayla ( Faruzan x Layla )
Sleepwalking Layla makes a guest appearance.

I hate my last Farulayla chapter so here's a new one. I hope this makes up for my lack of updating.

It was late, everyone in the Akademiya should have been asleep, not counting those who had hidden themselves in the library to quickly catch up on their work. Sitting at a table, hidden from the others who would rather study then sleep, was Layla.

Who had already drifted asleep, taking Layla's place was 'nighttime' Layla. Who was Layla, but more energetic, this alternate personality would take over whenever 'daytime' Layla was asleep.

Finishing up the work Daytime Layla hadn't finished, nighttime Layla let herself relax before taking the stack of finished papers and preparing herself to leave. Gathering everything, she made her way out the library, ignoring the snoring coming from other areas in the library.

Not paying to much attention to her surroundings, Layla was shocked to find herself bumping into another person. Quickly apologizing, Layla was shocked to see the infamous 'Madame Faruzan' standing in front of her, who seemed a bit irritated.

" I'm so sorry." She mumbled, trying her best to imitate the normally tired voice Layla had. " Your apology is accepted." That was a bit shocking to Layla, Faruzan was known to be short tempered.

But she didn't wanted to get daytime Layla into any trouble so she took the accepted apology and scurried out of the library.


For the past few weeks Layla would notice the well renowned 'Faruzan' would try and talk to her when she's studying in the library. Faruzan always seemed worried when she wound catch Layla up at late hours of the night, tiredly scribbling through piles of work the ruthless Akademiya would assign her.

And as even more weeks passed by, it was obvious to 'nightime' Layla that something was going on, though it wasn't entirely clear to her what was happening. Though, it became clear to the other personality a while ago that the scholar definitely cared for Layla, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Until one night, as she was catching up on some of the work Layla had been lacking on, Nighttime Layla felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around she instantly realized it was Faruzan, most likely checking up on her.

" Hello Faruzan." Nightime Layla had learned a while ago that she didn't have to worry about calling Faruzan 'Madame Faruzan', so she had gotten used to simply calling her 'Faruzan'. "Greetings Layla, I assume your studying for your tests?" Faruzan said, her hand gesturing to the numerous books and scrolls surrounding the elf.

Nodding, Layla let Faruzan get a quick look at all of the work she had done. Though they were in different houses, Faruzan would protest that she understood what Layla was studying, always to be proven wrong.

" Oh that seems.. interesting." She muttered, before continuing speaking, "Once your done with your tests could I.." her voice trailed on, it was weird to see the usually sassy Faruzan struggle to put together a proper sentence.

" A date." She finally said. Internally screaming, nightime Layla was somewhat shocked that 'Layla' had been asked out.

So, without thinking she immediately accepted, she was sure she could find a way to let daytime Layla about the sudden plans made with Faruzan. With that, she took a note that would let Daytime Layla know.


Confused at first, Layla just thought she had forgotten about agreeing to a date with Faruzan, she was always tired so it was easy to forget emotions. She left the not on her bedside table, though she wasn't the best at emotions she knew she felt something for Faruzan.

The talks between the two through exam week were normal, though they didn't get to talk much thanks to the flow of work Layla had. But finally things were over and the two agreed on a day and location for their arranged 'date'.


When the day came Layla arrived a bit late, which didn't seem to upset Faruzan as much as she expected it would. Faruzan seemed to have a soft spot for Layla compared to others, which helped put her a bit more at ease.

The location agreed on was 'Lambad's Tavern' neither of them were planning on drinking but it was the best place to go to in Sumeru, so they planned on ordering some food and talking there.
Since Faruzan had arrived first she picked a spot well hidden from the rest of the people, it was in a corner and not many could see them.

Layla slid into the seat across for her, looking a bit more cheerful today, though of course a bit nervous. The two talked for a bit, before stopping to eat what they had ordered.

Once finished the conversation continued on, until it has gotten late. Layla could feel her eyelid struggle to stay open.

The observant Faruzan quickly caught onto this, " I assume it's time we leave then, you obviously need some rest." Helping Layla out of the seat she then spoke again, " Would you mind doing this with me again?"

A second date? Was it meant to be a romantic date or just friends being friends date?

She still accepted the invite, despite being slightly confused as to if Faruzan felt anything or not. Those thoughts of confusion were quickly gone when she felt Faruzan give her a quick kiss on the side of her face, after which Faruzan quickly ran off.

Leaving a very red-faced Layla by herself. Who was only brought back to reality when she felt the owner of the Tavern tap on her shoulder, informing her she had been there for too long.

Quickly apologizing and leaving, she made her way back to the Akademiya. And that night as she attempted to study her thoughts were interrupted by the kiss Faruzan had given her.

Sure it was just a kiss on the side of her face, nothing compared to a kiss on the lips. But it still struck her as odd.

Did Faruzan like her?

As the very dense Layla continued half consciously finishing her work she felt herself wishing Faruzan would do that again. Could she possibly like Faruzan?

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