' What happened to you ' the sequel

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Someone requested a part 2 to my
' What happened to you ' Eulamber chapter so I am here to deliver per usual, it's important to read the first part before reading this.

Eula focus, yeppie, following what happened after Eula left. Eula is a tad bit rude in this, Eula main/stans please don't hurt me I just want to write angst. There's no comfort. Cry.

This had to be the worst headache she had ever had and to no surprise the space beside her was empty, she did make it very clear that the woman better be gone by the time she woke up. That was something she'd never want, as she got up, head pounding, the events from last night kept flooding back. Whenever she decided to bring someone home, they always looked the same, exactly like the outrider, maybe different facial features, different body types, but always brown hair, had to be at least past their shoulders, and amber eyes. 

Somehow able to make her way to her kitchen, she poured a glass of water and drank it, while her head still felt like it was splitting open at least there was some form of relief. She could walk in a somewhat straight line, as she got ready, she couldn't help but think about Amber, while she didn't see her at the bar last night, she felt her eyes on her the entire time, glaring at her as she left. Why did she leave? The answer was simple, she was scared of commitment, she was scared of hurting Amber. Eula knew it would happen eventually, that's why she had to break things off.

And how she regretted it. Rumors circled of the traveler, a girl who seemed to come from nowhere, blonde hair and yellow eyes, she wore a white dress with details embedded in the fabric and thigh high boots with more golden details. The people of Mondsdat would talk a lot when they were drunk, that's how Eula heard about the rumors. ' Did you hear the traveler and Amber might be seeing each other?' One drunk citizen said, ' I wouldn't doubt it, have you seen how much time they spend together?' another one said, agreeing with the other. ' Couldn't they just be friends?' another who seemed more sober questioned, only to be met by glares by the other two. ' No way, they've definitely made out at least once.' 

Eula brushed off the memory, but somewhere in the back of her mind it still stung, she compared herself to the traveler, trying to determine what Amber had saw in her. But at the moment her focus was getting ready for work, she changed into her usual clothes, brushing her hair and putting on her usual headpiece. She was the same as when the two split from the outside, but in the inside it had wrecked her.  But that was her own fault, wasn't it?

Finally ready, she made her way out the door, not amused for the lecture she'd receive from Jean. As she entered the grand acting master's office it was written on her face, Eula was in for it and she was not in the mood for it. As Jean opened her mouth the Lawerence cut her off ' Before you say one more thing, yes I got drunk last night, but you're my boss, you have no need to know what I do in my personal time. Plus, being hungover shouldn't affect anything. I can get my job done and I'll get it done well.' She snatched the paper with her assignments for the day off the table, turning around to face Jean one more time to see her bewildered expression before leaving her office.

Eula understood she overreacted, guilt flew threw her veins, she knew Jean just wanted to look out for her, while she appreciated it sometimes, she just wished that Jean would take care of herself instead. But there were more important matters at hand, checking her responsibilities for the day the most major one called for her to go to Springvale.

(Amber focus time for like 3 paragraphs, no threatening to beat up Eula, you know who you are)

The outrider felt like her knees were about to give in, after eliminating hillichurls left and right all day her body felt sore. It felt like her body was begging her to take a break, so she did. Just a bit outside of Springvale she sat down on the grass, her back prompted against a tree. Not the most comfortable place to rest but it was her best option. Stretching her arms and admiring the sun she could have sworn she heard a familiar voice, but it was faint so she couldn't quite recall who it was.

Normally a social butterfly, the outrider truly needed a break, the events of last night never failed to stray into her mind. She would say she was completely over the Reconnaissance captain, but only a few close friends knew how big of a lie that was. They would watch the pain in her eyes whenever a meeting between all the captains was called for, she could never make eye contact with Eula. That was to much for her.

Maybe things could change, all the Outrider wished for was to be friends again, but she knew that wasn't possible, or if it was it would take time. As she tried to take her mind off of her things, the sounds of footsteps approaching didn't seem to alert her, she didn't notice that looking straight at her was the woman she was trying to get her mind on.  

Seeing Amber so at peace brought a sense of longing to the Lawrence, though she knew that approaching the outrider could cause problems. Walking away the Lawrence made sure to memorize the details of the outrider, she looked tired, most likely not taking care of herself. But that wasn't supposed to be Eula's problem, or was it? When she made her way back to her own respective office, as she tried to file paperwork, which had always been her least favorite things, Amber just wouldn't leave her mind.  And she wouldn't, ever. All she felt was pure guilt. 

Making her way down to the library, Eula knew Lisa would probably be upset with her, after all she had snapped at the person Lisa cared for most. But Lisa might know how to help her, bracing herself, she opened the door, prepared for the long scolding. But the librarian seemed to have known of Eula's plans, because there she sat at her desk, a two warm cups of tea and a warm, slightly tired, smile.

A chair had been moved beside the desk, which Lisa motioned for the Lawrence to sit in, a tinge of annoyance was present, but she expected it. ' I assume you're here to talk about the beloved outrider?' Lisa asked almost instantly after Eula had sat down, which she nodded to. ' You've heard of the rumors of her and the cutie, traveler I think?' Lisa handed a cup of tea to Eula, she was taught to never refuse a cup of tea, so she accepted it, taking small sips and nodding occasionally. ' They're not together, at least not yet.' Lisa paused to yawn, before continuing, 'But I feel like there's little to no chance to continue things without Amber getting hurt.' 

Those words stung; Lisa was known to be wise so why couldn't she tell Eula what she wanted to hear? Scoffing, the Lawrence woman stood up and cut the librarian a nasty look, escorting herself out of the library.

But deep down she knew how real Lisa's words were, there was now at she could mend what she had done. Not without hurting Amber again at least.

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