My liege | Xingyun

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My Liege
No AU, but there's Hanahaki again
Requested by ventingw14
Xingyun ( Xingqiu x Chongyun)

Xingqiu abruptly closed the book he was reading, the last volume of his favorite book series he had finally managed to get. He felt a bit ill today, he was never one to leave a book unread but he couldn't ignore how unwell he felt.

He abandoned his new reading perch, he was debating what he should do now, the are his lungs were located at hurt. Before he could come to a conclusion he felt something force it's way up his throat.

He held out his hand in watched in horror as blue petals fell from his mouth. It sounds like something out of a story, which is something Xingqiu would normally be excited to experience.

But this wasn't normal, he had never heard of anything like this, what was it? He quickened his pace, arriving shortly at Bubu Pharmacy.

Xingqiu didn't see anyone at the counter at first, he questioned if the pharmacy wasn't open. He was about to leave when he heard movement from behind the counter, he turned around and spotted Qiqi peering over the counter.

" Baizhu... Is not here.. Baizhu is busy... Are you here to pick up a subscription? Qiqi forgot..."

He wrote a quick note, then handed it over to Qiqi who looked puzzled at his poorly written note.

" Qiqi doesn't understand..."
" Give the note to Baizhu when he returns."

She tilted her head, trying to figure out what the note meant, before giving it up. She placed the note on the counter and jotted something down in her notebook.

'Blue hair guy with strange hair cut left note for Baizhu '

Xingqiu then left, confident in himself that Baizhu would be able to read the note. Before he could walk far enough he ran into Baizhu, quickly explaining his situation Xingqiu was led back to Bubu Pharmacy by Baizhu.

The minute the two arrived Qiqi ran from behind the desk towards Baizhu.

" Blue hair guy, strange hair cut left note for Baizhu..In strange hand writing."

Xingqiu was nothing less then offended by Qiqi's description of him, but let her give him the note. Baizhu as well, seemed confused by the handwriting, he laughed to himself once he finished the note and placed it on the desk.

Baizhu instructed Qiqi to stay at the counter and to inform him if anyone came in. She lazily nodded and waddled over to the desk. The two went to a room set for patients, Xinqiu impatiently sat as Baizhu had him re-explain his symptoms as he skimmed through files.

" Coughing petals and pain in the lungs.. Most likely you have a case of Hanahaki."

The name sounded familiar to Xingqiu, he couldn't remember exactly where. Baizhu handed him a piece of paper, detailing the affects of Hanahaki, possible cures and outlining how it could end in death.

' Hanahaki is a illness originating from unrequited love, confess and if your love is accepted the Hanahaki will be cured if not you'll perish.'

Xingqiu read that line over and over again, his mind immediately thought of his best friend Chongyun, an exorcist he had been friends with for a long time. Xingqiu had caught feelings for his best friend a long time ago.

He feared the idea of possibly ruining their friendship but his eyes kept re-reading that line. He felt his heart pounding at the possibility of death.

Was confessing really his only option? Baizhu noticed the scared look on his patient, all he could do was smile and give him some advice.

But in this situation what advice was there? When Xingqiu left, he sat outside the pharmacy as he debated on what he should do.

He reluctantly decided it was best to tell Chongyun, drop the facade and tell him. If it ruins their friendship or he's rejected he can just say it was a prank.

That's what everyone does right?
He built up some confidence, re-directing his direction to where he expected to find Chongyun.

What he didn't expect on his way to locate Chongyun, he eventually spotted him talking to his aunt, Shenhe, who was also an exorcist. Shenhe didn't like Xingqiu due to the fact he would prank Chongyun and sometimes trick him into eating spicy foods.

He waited for the two to finish talking, when Shenhe was out of sight Xingqiu walked towards Chongyun, still keeping an eye out for Shenhe. When the coast was officially clear he fastened his pace.

Chongyun turned around, a bit curious but also happy to see his friend.

" I have something important to tell you!"

Xingqiu took a minute to catch his breath, a bit scared by the realization of what he was about to do. But if he wanted to be a hero like those he read about this was short to nothing he would have to face.

Xingqiu gave a brief explanation of what had taken place earlier, him feeling ill, going to Bubu Pharmacy and finding out he has Hanahaki. Chongyun immediately looked worried, offering Xingqiu a Popsicle, he had extra on him today and was worried his friend's throat would be sore from the Hanahaki.

" No need my liege, though if you wish to help me you must answer my question."

Chongyun nodded, awaiting the question.

" So the whole thing with Hanahaki is if you wanna be cured you have to confess, correct?"
" Correct."

Xingqiu said nothing else, giving Chongyun a little kiss on the forehead. That's how they did it in stories right?

In response Chongyun turned bright red, quickly grabbing another popsicle to cool himself off. Chongyun mumbled something, not quite audible enough for Xingqiu to hear exactly what he said.

Xingqiu thought Chongyun was just being dense, so with the built up book knowledge he had, he assumed it would be best to straight up say it.

" Chongyun I love you"

Chongyun turned even more red, he seemed in a panic as he attempted to calm himself down.

" Chongyun?"
" Um.. I.. love.. you too."

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