Loving the enemy | Eimiko part 2

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Loving the enemy part 2
Requested by celegiri
Spy AU, Slight Zhongchi, Zhongli and Ei are spies, Miko isn't apart of the Fatui but she works with them
Eimiko ( Ei x Yae Miko )

The next day was somewhat awkward, but Ei had a mission in which she had to complete. When she relayed the information to her boss, she afterwards had to go back, Miko was back from whatever she was doing with the other business.

Since the week was almost over, Ei let herself relax now that she had that sort of stuff against Miko. But, it wouldn't hurt to try and get some more.

As the days passed, it was now the end of the week. Ei had caught on to Miko's attempts at flirting with her, which she hated to admit worked in some way despite Ei knowing what she had been up to.

As the day came to an end, Ei found herself alone in the book publisher's office, Miko had requested to see Ei before the weekend started. When the two were finally alone Ei suddenly caught hint of how strange it all was, all day Miko had seemed off, now they were alone in there.

Could she possibly have been caught?

Before Ei could properly think, she felt the other woman's hand resting on the side of her face, her face dangerously close to Ei's. "Ei," Miko whispered, breaking the uncomfortable silenced that lingered in the room, " I know why your really here."

Miko watched as Ei's eyes widened, Ei thought she had covered her tracks, but unbeknownst to her, a businesswoman like Miko had her ways. " Though I don't know the specific reason why you would be looking through personal business documents. I do know that both you and that Zhongli guy are more then what you seem." Ei felt her heart beating in her chest, threatening to pop out at any moment.

"How-" before Ei could get a proper sentence in she was interrupted, Miko placed a finger on her mouth as to silence her. " Don't worry, I don't plan on telling anyone."

Miko explained that during Ei's 'deep dive through her personal things' that she wasn't as careful as she thought she was. And Miko, being the somewhat put together woman she is, noticed the slight irregularities which led her right to the culprit herself, Ei.

" Such a shame," Miko sighed, " I was really starting to like you and then you do this." Ei tried to say something, anything, but her thoughts were focused on how their faces were only inches apart.

Her words came out as mumbled, jumbled, clumps. This was not like Ei, she never felt like this, she knew she was supposed to hate the woman in front of her, but she didn't.

How could someone hate a person as gorgeous as Miko? All the way from her long and well kept pink hair to the way she held herself up above others, the way she spoke drew Ei in and made her start re-thinking if the mission itself was worthy.

That was stupid though, throwing away years of hard work for a women she had known for almost a week. Any and all thoughts she had were interrupted when Miko finally closed the distance between them, pulling Ei in for a kiss.

Realistically it wasn't that long, it only lasted for a few minutes before Miko pulled away. But to Ei it felt longer then that, she built the courage to look up at the woman who just kissed her, the woman she couldn't keep her mind off of.

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