' Smile for the picture ' | Kiralotte

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' Smile for the picture '
Fluff, no AU
Requested by ventingw14
Kiralotte ( Kirara x Charlotte)

Her new idea for an article was simple, get some inside information on how different people in the work force do their day to day jobs. Getting her camera ready, Charlotte wondered where she should look for people to interview.

Settling on Inazuma first, she placed her notepad in her pocket and prepared herself for the long journey ahead of herself. Stretching her legs out, she took a deep sigh and made her way to Inazuma, curious as to who she would meet and what Intel she would get for her new article.


After the long journey, the reporter took a minute to admire the beauty of Inazuma, quickly snapping a few pictures before scouting where she should begin. After getting information from some of the locals she headed towards the site of Komaniya Express, specifically looking for a yokai named 'Kirara' who was one of the company's most dedicated workers.

Almost immediately she spotted who she was looking for, a cat yokai with two tails that formed a heart and Inazuma - styled clothing carrying a few boxes, which she supported with both of her arms. A cheerful look on her face as her green eyes glimmered, proudly holding the packages she was on her way to deliver.

Charlotte caught herself staring at the worker, which resulted in a few mild seconds of embarrassment. Readying her introduction, Charlotte took a deep breath and approached Kirara, who seemed a bit taken a back by the sudden interaction.

" I'm Charlotte, from the Steambird, could I ask you a few questions for an upcoming article about different jobs?"

Kirara thought for a minute, " If it doesn't take to long I'd be dead too!" Kirara's enthusiasm and kindness to a stranger she had just met made Charlotte's face light up, but she told herself to focus on the questions so Kirara could get back to work.

A smile on her face, Charlotte prepared the questions and began the small interview, questioning Kirara about customers, what she does for work, what her job is like, the usual things you would ask when questioning someone about their job. Every response Kirara gave Charlotte seemed intrigued by, her overall cooperation and honesty made Charlotte admire the worker.

Once the overall flood of questions were over Charlotte pulled out her camera, " I need a picture for the article, is that ok?" To which Kirara approved, " Of course!" She said, a huge smile on her face, the bright sunlight made her eyes more stunning to Charlotte then they already were.

Feeling her face become slightly more warm, Charlotte quickly snapped the photo, Kirara was holding a few packages, making sure the customer's name and address was not visible, with a smile on her face. Charlotte thanked Kirara for the interview, shocked when Kirara grabbed her hand and shook it, the sudden action made her face a bit more red.

" I've got to go deliver these now!" Kirara apologized quickly, before making sure she had everything secure in her arms and ran off. Charlotte, still a bit flustered from her interaction, looked over her notes that she were to turn in for the article.

She blushed like an idiot when she realized she had written a small drawing of Kirara on the side of one of the pages. Quickly erasing it, she scolded herself before making the long journey elsewhere to continue her job.

Though throughout the other interviews, she couldn't get her mind off of Kirara, which ended up messing with her work. Somehow she managed to get through the rest of the interviews though, proud of what she accomplished she headed back confidently to the Steambird to prepare the new article.

Printing out two copies of the photo she had taken for Kirara's interview, she placed one in her pocket and gave another to the editors so they could put it into the article, silently hoping it wouldn't be long till she met Kirara again.

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