Engagement | Yantao

236 3 85

Modern AU, Fluff
Requested by SocksXKNX
Yantao ( Yanfei x Hu Tao )
Their already dating in this chapter

Yanfei woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. Yawning, she sat up, stretched her arms out and reached for her phone on her nightstand.

She noticed she had a missed call notification from Hu Tao, that must have been the buzzing that woke her up. Sighing, Yanfei messaged Hu Tao back, curious as to why she called her.

' Sorry just woke up.'

After a few minutes of waiting, Yanfei scoffed and slipped her phone into the pocket of her shorts she wore to sleep in. She started getting herself ready for the day, she had no trials or clients today, so no need to dress in anything to nice.

Feeling a bit lonely, she decided to visit Hu Tao today, they hadn't spent time in a while and she was a bit worried since she hadn't responded. She quickly got dressed and made sure to feed her pet cat she recently adopted was fed and had water before leaving.

Yanfei took her time as she made her way to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, admiring how calm Liyue feels so early in the morning. Once she finally arrived to the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, Yanfei knocked on the door, not wanting to go in without permission in case the people inside were busy with their work.

She only had to wait a few minutes before she heard someone unlock the door. The door opened, revealing a very tired Zhongli who was holding a mug of what was most likely coffee.

" I assume you are here to see Miss Hu?"

Yanfei nodded, trying not to show her enthusiasm about getting to spend the day with her lover. After letting her in, Zhongli said his goodbyes, saying he was going to visit a friend of his, Yanfei walked to where she assumed Hu Tao would be at, her office.

Just as Yanfei expected Hu Tao was seated at her desk, boredly looking through funeral documents. She hadn't noticed Yanfei entered the room, she seemed nervous about something which Yanfei noticed.

" Ahem"

Hu Tao looked up from the piles, immediately spotting Yanfei, her eyes brightened when she spotted Yanfei. Smiling, Hu Tao closed the files she was looking at.

" I texted you back."
" Sorry my phone died and my charger is broken."

Yanfei laughed a bit, offering to let Hu Tao borrow a spare portable charger, which she immediately accepted. Once Hu Tao had her phone plugged into the portable charger she seemed a bit more relaxed.

" Wanna go on a date or something like that?" Hu Tao suggested, Yanfei immediately agreed to going on a day.

They thought for a few minutes on what they should do. They ended up deciding they would go on a walk for a bit, maybe then go get something to eat and then have a sleepover at Yanfei's home.

Unbeknownst to Yanfei, Hu Tao had some plans for the day.


The two began their walk, hands interlocked. They were talking about small things, when Yanfei suddenly asked Hu Tao a question that had been lingering on her mind since this morning.

" Why'd you call this morning?"
" Just wanted to tell my beautiful girlfriend good morning!"

Yanfei blushed a bit at this, they had been together for a few years but hearing Hu Tao call her that still made her feel flustered. She smiled, letting out a little giggle as her and Hu Tao continued on waking.

When both of them realized they were hungry they decided to find something to eat, finally deciding to stop at Wanmin Restaurant. The two ordered food to go, Yanfei having to hold the food since Hu Tao almost dropping the food a few times.

When they arrived at Yanfei's home they decided they would watch something while eating. Yanfei quickly fed her pet cat before eating her food, making sure to give the cat a few pets.

The two sat down on Yanfei's couch, Hu Tao wanted to watch something spooky. Yanfei reluctantly agreed and handed the remote to Hu Tao so she could pick what she wanted, which she ended up regretting.

It ended up being a bit to scary for her and Hu Tao both, which shocked her that something would scare Hu Tao. After the movie was over Yanfei noticed Hu Tao seemed nervous.

Before she could ask Hu Tao what was wrong, but before she could she felt Hu Tao place one of Yanfei's hands in her hands. Taking a deep breath, Hu Tao grabbed something from her pocket, placing it into Yanfei's hands.

A small black box sat in Yanfei's hands, she instantly knew what was most likely about to happen. " Yanfei will you" Hu Tao took another deep breath before continuing what she was saying, " marry me?"

Instantly Yanfei said 'yes', tears of happiness streaming down her face as she hugged Hu Tao tight. When she had calmed down from the initial shock, Yanfei pulled away.

Hu Tao carefully opened the box, pulling out a ring with a green gem, a similar looking one was beside it but instead of a green one it had a red gym. Placing the ring on Yanfei's finger, Hu Tao had a wide grin on her face.

They decided they'd wait a bit before planning a wedding, just wanting to enjoy their time together right now. They fell asleep on the couch, cuddling each other, enjoying each other's comfort.

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